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j _ r <br />Agreement berwern Indiotr River Count), Clerk of fire Circuit Court, FL and the GFOA ' r <br />00- 3', <br />AGREEMENT BET WE EN <br />GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION <br />AND <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT, FLORIDA <br />FOR <br />SYSTEM SELECTION AND CONTRACT NEGOTATION <br />CONSULTING SERVICES <br />Indian River County Clerk of the Circuit Court, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, having its offices at <br />5840 250' Street, Vero Beach, FL 32960 ("Clerk") and Govemment Finance Officers Association, a professional <br />membership association, having its offices at 180 North Michigan Avenuc, Suite 800, Chicago, Illinois 60601 <br />C'Consultant"), agree as follows: <br />The Consultant agrees to provide services to the Clerk under the following terms and conditions: <br />DEFINITIONS <br />Project Manager herein shall be Mr. Michael A. Madden, the GFOA Deputy Director of Consulting. <br />Contract Administrator herein shall be Mr. Edwin M. Fry, Jr., Finance Director for the Clerk. <br />H. DURATION <br />This agreement shall become effective on May 7, 2001, and shall remain in effect until satisfactory <br />perfomnance of all services or November 2, 2001, whichever occurs first, unless terminated for breach or as <br />provided in this agreement. This contract may be extended by a duration mutually agreed upon by the <br />Consultant and the Clerk. The Clerk recognizes that the ability to complete a satisfactory contract for <br />software and inillementation services is based in -part on cooperation from the respective software vendors <br />and the Clerk. GFOA will submit any contract schedule change request to the Contract Administrator for <br />app+oval. <br />Ill. SERVICES <br />A. General Scope: The Consultant agrees to provide general consulting services as described in <br />Exhibit A incorporated herein. <br />B3 Standard of Work: GFOA agrees that the performance of services pursuant to the terms of this <br />contract shall conform to the highest professional standards in the field of public finance. GFOA <br />will use its best efforts to formulate opinions and create information upon which the Clerk may <br />rely; however, it is agreed by the parties that the substance cannot be guaranteed to be free from <br />omission or errors except insofar as such errors or omissions occur as a result of negligence or <br />willful misconduct. The Clerk recognizes that GFOA is not the software provider or systems <br />integrator. <br />C. Complia nce with Applicable Law: The Consultant shall perform, its services under this agreement <br />in compliance with all applicable laws, ordinances and regulations. <br />D. Location: The Consultant shall provide services to the Clerk at locations to be determined by the <br />Contract Administrator. <br />