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• ,�'S�ryj D 650 <br />L <br />�Q 0') a INT RLQCRL AGREEMENT <br />a <br />� This Agreement, entered into this 23 day of January � 1992, <br />by and between the Town of Indian=ver Shores (hereinafter re- <br />ferred to as the TOWN) and Indian River County - Solid Waste Dis- <br />posal District (hereinafter referred to as the SWDD. <br />WHEREAS, the Statewide goal of the Solid Waste Management Act of <br />19e6 (hereinafter referred to as the "Act") is to reduce the <br />amount of municipal solid waste being disposed of at solid waste <br />management facilities by at least 30 percent by 1994; and <br />WHEREAS, in an effort to reach this goal the Act requires coun- <br />ties to develop and implement recycling programs within their ju- <br />risdictions to return valuable materials to productive use, to <br />conserve energy and natural resources, and to preserve capacity <br />at solid waste management facilitiesi and <br />WHEREAS, the SWDD, in its annual budget for fiscal year 1991-92, <br />has budgeted for contractual services for implementation of a <br />curbside recycling program for all single family residences lo- <br />cated within the SWDD; and <br />WHEREAS, the SWDD is currently negotiating a contract with the <br />two county franchised waste transporters to implement the curb- <br />side recycling program by April 1, 1991; and <br />i <br />WHEREAS, the TOWN, by approval of its governing body, has joined <br />and is a part of the SWDD; and <br />I <br />WHEREAS, it is intended that the curbside recycling program that <br />is to be contracted and implemented by the SWDD, service those <br />residences within the municipalities that have joined and are a <br />1 part of the SWDD; and <br />WHEREAS, the TOWN does not operate and maintain its own recycling <br />program for single family residences; and <br />WHEREAS,. the single family residences are assessed for the curb- <br />side recycling program that the SWDD intends to implement; and <br />WHEREAS, it is the desire of the TOWN to participate in the <br />SWDD*s curbside recycling program. <br />Now therefore, the SWDD and the TOWN hereto mutually agree as <br />follows: <br />1. This Agreement shall be effective from the date it is filed <br />with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Indian River County <br />and shall remain in effect until modified by subsequent <br />Agreement. The Agreement may be terminated in writing by <br />either party prior to the beginning of each fiscal year (Oc- <br />tober 1) with sixty (60) days written notice. <br />2. The SWDD shall include in its contractual services for sin- <br />gle family residential curbside recycling, service to those <br />single family residences located within the TOWN. <br />3. The TOWN agrees to the service to be provided by the SWDD <br />and shall reasonably cooperate with the SWDD in the imple- <br />mentation and operation of the service. <br />4. The TOWN shall reasonably cooperate with the SWDD in (a) <br />providing information necessary for completion of the SWDD°s <br />annual report to FDER on recycling activities as required by <br />Section 403.706(7) Florida Statutes and (b) developing a re- <br />cycling program for the SWDD and the TOWN. <br />COUNTY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE <br />INDIAN 1t1,jrI2 COUNTY <br />1040 25ril ffroot <br />Vero 0.)adh, Florida 32960 <br />r <br />N <br />t0 <br />v <br />E3 <br />!1 <br />