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Numerical Amount: $323.197 <br />Written Amount: Three hundred twenty-three thousand one hundred ninety-seven dollars and <br />zero cents <br />ARTICLE 5 - PAYMENT PROCEDURES <br />5.01 Progress Payments. <br />A. The OWNER shall make progress payments to the CONTRACTOR on the basis of the <br />approved partial payment request as recommended by COUNTY PLANNER in accordance <br />with the provisions of the Local Government Prompt Payment Act, Florida Statutes section <br />218.70 et. seq. Progress payments will be made as follows: 30% after completion of survey <br />and design; 30% after land and tree clearing, 30% after installation, 10% at the end of the <br />90 -day maintenance period. <br />5.02 Pay Requests. <br />A. Each request for a progress payment shall contain the CONTRACTOR'S certification. All <br />progress payments will be on the basis of progress of the work measured by the schedule <br />of values established, or in the case of unit price work based on the number of units <br />completed. <br />5.03 Paragraphs 5.01 and 5.02 do not apply to construction services work purchased by the County as <br />OWNER which are paid for, in whole or in part, with federal funds and are subject to federal grantor laws <br />and regulations or requirements that are contrary to any provision of the Local Government Prompt <br />Payment Act. In such event, payment and retainage provisions shall be governed by the applicable grant <br />requirements and guidelines. <br />5.04 Acceptance of Final Payment as Release. <br />A. The acceptance by the CONTRACTOR of final payment shall be and shall operate as a <br />release to the OWNER from all claims and all liability to the CONTRACTOR other than <br />claims in stated amounts as may be specifically excepted by the CONTRACTOR for all <br />things done or furnished in connection with the work under this Agreement and for every <br />act and neglect of the OWNER and others relating to or arising out of the work. Any <br />payment, however, final or otherwise, shall not release the CONTRACTOR or its sureties <br />from any obligations under this Agreement, the Request for Proposals or the Public <br />Construction Bond. <br />ARTICLE 6 - INDEMNIFICATION <br />6.01 CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and hold harmless the OWNER, and its officers and employees, from <br />liabilities, damages, losses and costs, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney's fees, to the <br />extent caused by the negligence, recklessness, or intentional wrongful misconduct of the <br />CONTRACTOR and persons employed or utilized by the CONTRACTOR in the performance of the <br />Work. <br />