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- vj"'% <br />RESERVATION AGREEMENT INDIAN 21TRU <br />T 9Z T V Z N 9 2 <br />M <br />SM a events (dog shows/horseshows). Indian Riva County Code of Ordinances also states: -Dogs <br />prohibited No dogs are allowW in any park or recreational facility unless specifically posted w allowable <br />by the department (205.3 paragraph 22). The Promoter/Organization/Renter is wholly respoW&M for <br />any incidents that occur during the event that Involve non rvice auhnsh that were allowed on the <br />property during their event. <br />25. County and Applicant retain all television, film, recording and licensing rights as to any Event that Wm <br />place in or on the Premises, provided such is permitted within the Artist Agreement County will coordinate <br />such recordings with Applicant's marketing representative. In the event of artist recording restrictions, <br />Applicant shall request the right to allow the County to take generic production and still photographs of the <br />Event. <br />Applicant Initials <br />Intergenerational Center Reservation Agreement <br />of 6 <br />