A modest increase has been included forth e Tax Collector's budget in the General Fund. It is important to note that
<br />this is simply a Staff estimate as the Tax Collector's budget is not due until August 11t
<br />The Property Appraiser has requested an increase of $371,493 or 7.6% for the County funded portion of the
<br />budget. General Fund dollars support the bulk of the Property Appraiser's budget, and the General Fund impact is
<br />an increase of $329,501 or 8.1%. The budget request includes funding for employee raises.
<br />The BCC departmental funding amount reflects an increase of $2,506,083 or 8.8%. There is an increase of 14 full-
<br />time positions in various departments including County Administration (2), County Attorney (1), Human Resources
<br />(2), Parks (4), Conservation Lands (1), and Building & Facilities Services (4). Two items I would like to highlight:
<br />o We are creating an Economic Development Specialist position. Currently, the County contracts with the
<br />Indian River County Chamber of Commerce to serve as the County's Economic Development Organization
<br />to assist in business attraction, recruitment, relocation, and expansion. The Chamber's Senior Economic
<br />Development Practitioner is retiring, and their former Business and Retention position was not funded last
<br />year (at the Chamber's request). County Administration has met with the Chamber's Leadership Team and
<br />the County will continue to partner with the Chamber to provide these services in a more collaborative
<br />manner.
<br />■ The County performs many Economic Development activities currently and the opportunity exists to
<br />expand the role in concert with the Chamber. Moreover, the County is conducting an economic
<br />study to develop an Economic Development Plan, of which the County's Economic Development
<br />Specialist will be responsible to coordinate and implement the plan.
<br />o The County's commitment to service excellence applies to our external and internal customers. I am
<br />recommending the creation of a new department, the Building & Facilities Services Department. This
<br />department will reorganize Building & Permitting and Fire Prevention under one department to enhance
<br />integration and collaboration of the building review and inspection process. As part of this, I am proposing
<br />the addition of a Chief Plans Examiner, Chief Building Inspector, and Applications Specialist. Fire Prevention
<br />Staff will still retain the responsibility of conducting annual inspections for compliance with the Florida Fire
<br />Prevention Code.
<br />Additionally, there is a need to better manage our existing facilities and assets and dedicated Staff
<br />to manage the County's capital projects (from a facilities standpoint). This reorganization requires a
<br />Department Director, Capital Project Managers (1 new, 1 transferred from the Public Works
<br />Department), and Staff Assistant.
<br />Recommended State agency budgets total $5,592,949, which is an increase of $464,410 or 9.1%. This is principally
<br />due to a $227,031 or 17.2% increase in Medicaid and a $126,227 or 134.9% increase in State Attorney expenses.
<br />The Court Technology Fund and Court Innovation Fund were intended to cover Court Administration expenses;
<br />however, once again these expenses cannot be supported. Thus, a total of $610,584 for the Court Administrator's
<br />and the State Attorney's budget request is being funded from the General Fund.
<br />Municipal Service Taxing Unit (M.S.T.U.) Fund
<br />The M.S.T.U. recommended budget is $54,368,135, an increase of $2,338,366, or 4.5% (pages 24-25). Transfers out
<br />to the Transportation Fund are increasing by $1,146,902 and transfers for Law Enforcement are increasing by
<br />$1,868,296. As transfers out comprise 77.2% of the M.S.T.U. expense budget, any change causes a significant
<br />impact on the total fund budget.
<br />A summary of major factors impacting the M.S.T.U. Fund are shown below:
<br />• Ad valorem tax roll — 10.0% increase, generating $1,628,486 in additional revenue, assuming 95%
<br />collections at proposed millage rate.
<br />