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A TRUE COPY <br />CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br />RYAN L. BUTLER, CLERK <br />i. The IGT Provider agrees to maintain books, records, and documents (including <br />electronic storage media) pertinent to performance under this LOA in accordance <br />with generally accepted accounting procedures and practices, which sufficiently <br />and properly reflect all revenues and expenditures of funds provided. <br />ii. The IGT Provider agrees to assure that these records shall be subject at all <br />reasonable times to inspection, review, or audit by state personnel and other <br />personnel duly authorized by the Agency, as well as by federal personnel. <br />iii. The IGT Provider agrees to comply with public record laws as outlined in section <br />119.0701, Florida Statutes. <br />b. RETENTION OF RECORDS <br />The IGT Provider agrees to retain all financial records, supporting documents, <br />statistical records, and any other documents (including electronic storage media) <br />pertinent to performance under this LOA for a period of six (6) years after <br />termination of this LOA, or if an audit has been initiated and audit findings have not <br />been resolved at the end of six (6) years, the records shall be retained until <br />resolution of the audit findings. <br />ii. Persons duly authorized by the Agency and federal auditors shall have full access <br />to and the right to examine any of said records and documents. <br />iii. The rights of access in this section must not be limited to the required retention <br />period but shall last as long as the records are retained. <br />c. MONITORING <br />i. The IGT Provider agrees to permit persons duly authorized by the Agency to inspect <br />any records, papers, and documents of the IGT Provider which are relevant to this <br />LOA. <br />d. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBCONTRACTS <br />The IGT Provider agrees to neither assign the responsibility of this LOA to another <br />party nor subcontract for any of the work contemplated under this LOA without prior <br />written approval of the Agency. No such approval by the Agency of any assignment <br />or subcontract shall be deemed in any event or in any manner to provide for the <br />incurrence of any obligation of the Agency in addition to the total dollar amount <br />agreed upon in this LOA. All such assignments or subcontracts shall be subject to <br />the conditions of this LOA and to any conditions of approval that the Agency shall <br />deem necessary. <br />5. This LOA may only be amended upon written agreement signed by both parties. <br />The IGT Provider and the Agency agree that any modifications to this LOA shall be in the <br />same form, namely the exchange of signed copies of a revised LOA. <br />6. The IGT Provider confirms that there are no pre -arranged agreements (contractual or <br />otherwise) between the respective counties, taxing districts, and/or the providers to re - <br />Indian River County Emergency Services District_ Indian River County ALS—PEM LOA_SFY 2024-25 <br />