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WORK PLAN <br />In accordance with the Cooperative Service Agreement between Indian River County and the <br />United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service <br />(APHIS), Wildlife Services (WS), this Work Plan sets forth the objectives, activities and budget <br />of this project during the period of this agreement. <br />Location: Indian River County beachside properties <br />Proposed Dates: 10/01/2024 — 09/30/2029 <br />Introduction <br />The APHIS WS program uses an Integrated Wildlife Damage Management (IWDM) approach <br />(sometimes referred to as IPM or "Integrated Pest Management") in which a series of methods <br />may be used or recommended to reduce wildlife damage. These methods include the alteration of <br />cultural practices as well as habitat and behavioral modification to prevent damage. However, <br />controlling wildlife damage may require that the offending animal(s) are killed or that the <br />populations of the offending species be reduced. <br />Prouam Obiective <br />The objective of this cooperative service agreement is to assist Indian River County in the <br />removal of coyotes and raccoons in order to reduce predation of nesting sea turtles on county <br />beaches. Upon review, it is Wildlife Services opinion that coyotes will never be fully eliminated <br />from Indian River County properties due to the number of private properties nearby with suitable <br />habitat; however, WS believes that the coyotes/raccoons predating sea turtle nests can be <br />specifically targeted and removed from the beachside habitat. <br />Plan of Action <br />WS, through its local office, will provide a Wildlife Specialist to conduct predator control on <br />Indian River County properties. Coyote and raccoon control will consist of targeted night <br />shooting in order to remove the individual predator(s) responsible for nest predation. Wildlife <br />Services will maintain a valid permit(s) from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation <br />Commission (FWC) and will coordinate all activities with FWC and local law enforcement. WS <br />will ensure cooperation with all state and federal laws as well as maintain all necessary permits. <br />This work and financial plan(s) will cover approximately 160 hours of work annually. <br />