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EXHIBIT A <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY TOURIST TAX FUNDING REQUEST <br />A. Program Cover Page <br />Agency: <br />Contact Person <br />Title: <br />Address: <br />Vero Heritage, Inc. <br />Telephone: <br />Robyn Berry Fax: <br />Executive Director E -Mail <br />2140 14th Avenue <br />772-770-2263 <br />rberry a( <br />Website Address: <br />Program Title: Heritage Center and Indian River Citrus <br />Museum <br />I Agree - By checking the "I Agree" box and entering your name below, you certify that information contained in this <br />application accurately reflects the activities of this agency and that the expenditures or portions thereof for which County <br />funds are being requested are not reimbursed by any other source. <br />Name: Robyn Berry Title: Executive Director <br />Brief description of the Program for which funding is requested: <br />Requesting funding for Vero Heritage, Inc. Citrus Crate Label Sign Trail, new exhibit in the Indian River Citrus Museum <br />and, a portion of salaries for the Museum staff. <br />The Crate Label Sign Trail is a unique feature of the Indian River Citrus Museum that celebrates the rich history of the <br />Indian River Citrus industry. Through this trail, visitors can immerse themselves in the vibrant past of our community, <br />learning about the significance of citrus farming and its impact on our district's development. However, to ensure its <br />continued success and accessibility, we require additional funding for maintenance signage, and new signs. <br />Additionally, funds allocated for a small museum exhibit. We are excited to present a unique opportunity to install two <br />synthetic trees — one representing oranges and the other grapefruit — in the museum. These trees will serves as <br />dynamic visual aids, highlighting the striking differences in size and color between these iconic citrus varieties. The <br />Indian River Citrus Museum serves as a vital educational resource, preserving and sharing the legacy of our citrus <br />industry. Adding a new exhibit to the museum will not only enhance the visitor experience but also expand our capacity <br />to engage with schools, families, and tourists, further promoting cultural appreciation and historical awareness. <br />Finally, this grant also covers a portion of museum staff members who will be working directly with museum guests <br />which plays a crucial role in achieving these objectives and enhancing the overall visitor experience. <br />Supporting the preservation of our local heritage contributes to the economic and cultural vitality of our community. <br />Your partnership in this endeavor is invaluable. <br />summary rte or[ <br />Amount requested from Indian River County for 2024/2025: $30,600.00 <br />Total Proposed Program budget for 2024/2025: $208,950.46 <br />Percent of total Program budget: 14.64% <br />Current Funding (2023/2024) $34,000.00 <br />Dollar increase / (decrease) in request: ($3,400.00) <br />Percent increase / decrease in request: -10 <br />If request increased 5% or more, briefly explain why: <br />The Organization's Board of Directors has approved this application on (date): 04/26/24 <br />Name of President/Chair of the Board: <br />Name of Exec. Director/CEO: <br />EXHIBIT A � <br />Joseph Chiarella <br />Robyn Berry <br />