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A TRUE COPY <br />CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br />RYAN L. BUTLER, CLERK <br />Applicant's in-house costs are limited pursuant to paragraph 66B -2.008(1)(c), F.A.C. All financial assistance to seaports <br />shall require equal matching funds. The District shall contribute no more than fifty percent (50%) of the local share of the <br />cost of an inlet management or beach renourishment project. The District shall not contribute funding to both the state <br />and local shares of an inlet management or beach renourishment project. <br />(3) Pre -agreement Expenses: The project sponsor shall not commence work on an approved project element prior to <br />the execution of the project agreement unless authorized by the Board during the review and funding approval process. <br />Board authorization of pre -agreement expenses will be given for the commencement of work prior to the execution of a <br />project agreement if the Board determines that there is a benefit to the District, its waterways or its constituents. All <br />project costs must be incurred and work performed within the project period as stipulated in the project agreement unless <br />pre -agreement costs are approved by the Board. Pre -agreement expenses will be approved if they are consistent with the <br />provisions of Rule 6613-2.008, F.A.C., and occur within the fiscal year of the grant application submission (October 1st <br />to September 30th). Pre -agreement expenses, except for projects approved by the Board as multi-year projects, will be <br />limited to fifty (50) percent of the project's total cost and if the expenses are eligible project expenses in accordance with <br />this rule. Only one-half (1/2) or less of the approved pre -agreement expenses will be eligible for reimbursement funding <br />from the District, except for projects approved by the Board as multi-year projects. The Board shall consider a waiver of <br />the limitation on pre -agreement expenses for Small -Scale Derelict Vessel grants and land acquisition projects when the <br />applicant demonstrates a direct need and benefit and the project is in accordance with the applicable provisions of Chapter <br />6613-2, F.A.C. <br />(4) Multi -Year Funding: The construction phase of projects that are large scale, involve multiple phases, have a <br />construction time line of one year or longer, or are requesting a significant amount of assistance funding in relation to the <br />total assistance available for the county where the project is located, will be reviewed and approved by the District Board <br />for a multiple year period subject to budgeting and allocation pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 200, F.S. The <br />determination by the Board to provide assistance funding on a multi-year basis can be made at any time during the <br />application review process. All approved multi-year projects are limited to a maximum of two (2) additional funding <br />requests. <br />(5) Inlet Management and Beach Renourishment: Projects and project elements in the categories of inlet management <br />and beach renourishment shall be subject to the following provisions. The District shall contribute no more than fifty <br />percent of the local share of the cost of the project. The District shall not contribute funding to both the state and local <br />shares of an inlet management or beach renourishment project. Funding for the construction phase of an inlet management <br />or beach renourishment project may be approved by the District Board for a multiple year period subject to budgeting and <br />allocation pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 200, F.S. Additionally the following provisions shall be met for inlet <br />management or beach renourishment projects: <br />(a) Inlet Management: Inlet management projects shall benefit public navigation within the District and shall be <br />consistent with Department of Environmental Protection approved inlet management plans and the statewide beach <br />management plan pursuant to Section 161.161, F.S. Prior to funding any inlet management project, the Board shall make <br />a finding that the project is a benefit to public navigation in the District. Inlet management projects that are determined to <br />be consistent with Department of Environmental Protection approved inlet management plans are declared to be a benefit <br />to public navigation. <br />(b) Beach Renourishment: All projects in this category shall be consistent with the statewide beach management plan. <br />Beach renourishment projects shall only include those beaches that have been adversely impacted by navigation inlets, <br />navigation structures, navigation dredging, or a navigation project. Prior to funding any beach renourishment project, the <br />Board shall make a finding that the beaches to be nourished have been adversly impacted by navigation inlets, navigation <br />structures, navigation dredging or a navigation project. The determination of beach areas that are adversely impacted by <br />navigation for the purposes of this program shall be made by Department of Environmental Protection approved inlet <br />management plans. If state funding is not provided for a beach project, public access with adequate parking must be <br />available in accordance with Chapter 161, F.S. <br />(6) Public Navigation: Projects or project elements in the category of public navigation that will qualify for up to <br />seventy-five percent (75%) program funds must be within the Intracoastal Right -of -Way (ROW), or provide public <br />navigation channel access to two or more publicly accessible launching, mooring or docking facilities. In addition, the <br />following shall apply: <br />