<br />pumpout facilities for vessels, unless the applicant can demonstrate that inclusion of such a facility is physically,
<br />operationally or economically impracticable. All public marina projects funded through this program shall have at least
<br />ten percent (10%) of their slips or mooring areas available for transient vessels. Public marina dockage rates shall be
<br />within market comparison of the dockage rates of other area marinas. The public marina will be required to establish and
<br />maintain an accounting of the funds for the facility and shall plan for and retain at all times sufficient funds for the on-
<br />going maintenance of the facility during its project life.
<br />(5) The District may assist eligible local governments with efforts to prepare and implement a comprehensive
<br />maritime management plan. The plan shall be utilized by the eligible government to promote and maximize the public
<br />benefit and enjoyment of eligible waterways, while identifying and prioritizing the waterway access needs of the
<br />community. The plan should not duplicate any existing or ongoing efforts for the same waterway or water shed, nor shall
<br />the District participate in any effort that does not address the basic maritime needs of the community.
<br />(a) Existing plans may be updated at reasonable intervals or amended to include waterway areas previously not
<br />included in the original effort. Public, government, environmental, industry and other pertinent interest groups shall be
<br />solicited and included for input in the planning process.
<br />(b) The plan shall be utilized as a tool to provide a minimum 5 -year planning analysis and forecast for the maritime
<br />needs of the community, and shall include, at minimum, the following:
<br />1. Public boat ramp and ramp parking inventory and analysis.
<br />2. Public mooring and docking facility analysis, including day docks and transient slips.
<br />3. Commercial and working waterfront identification and needs analysis.
<br />4. The identification, location, condition and analysis of existing and potential navigation channels.
<br />5. An inventory and assessment of accessible public shorelines.
<br />6. Public Waterway transportation needs.
<br />7. Environmental conditions that affect boat facility siting, a current resource inventory survey, and restoration
<br />opportunities.
<br />8. Economic conditions affecting the boating community and boating facilities.
<br />9. Acknowledgment and coordination with existing data and information, including an emphasis on the Intracoastal
<br />Waterway.
<br />(c) Projects requested for assistance program funding shall be consistent with the applicant's maritime management
<br />plan. The applicant should utilize the plan to assist in prioritizing waterway improvement projects.
<br />(6) All eligible environmental restoration, enhancement or mitigation projects as well as the environmental
<br />restoration, enhancement or mitigation components of other types of projects shall be required to pursue and assign any
<br />available mitigation credits to the District for that share of the project funded through the District's Assistance Program.
<br />All eligible environmental restoration, enhancement or mitigation projects shall provide public access where possible.
<br />(7) Final Decisions: The Board will make all final decisions on the eligibility of a Project or specific project costs.
<br />Rulemaking Authority 374.976(2) FS. Law Implemented 374.976(1)-(3) FS. History -New 12-17-90, Amended 9-2-92,6-24-93,2-3-94,
<br />4-I2-95, 9-5-96, 2-6-97, Formerly 16T-2.008, Amended 5-17-98, 3-31-99, 5-25-00, 3-21-01, 7-30-02, 3-20-03, 3-3-04, 4-15-07, 3-25-
<br />08, 4-1-09, 2-22-10,3-7-11,3-7-12,1-27-14, 2-17-15, 2-21-16,3-25-21,3-9-23,3-11-24.
<br />66B-2.009 Project Administration.
<br />The District will appoint a project manager who shall be responsible for monitoring the project and the project agreement.
<br />The project manager shall also be responsible for approving all reimbursement requests. The project sponsor shall appoint
<br />a liaison agent, who will be a member of the eligible applicant's staff, to act on its behalf in carrying out the terms of the
<br />project agreement. Administration of the project will be as follows:
<br />(1) Project Agreement: For each funded project, the District and the project sponsor will enter into a project
<br />agreement. The project agreement shall be executed and returned by the project sponsor within six (6) months of the
<br />approval of the project funding and prior to the release of program funds, setting forth the mutual obligations of the parties
<br />concerning the project. The project agreement shall incorporate the applicable policies and procedures of the program as
<br />outlined in this rule. Project agreements will be for a two-year period with the possibility for one, one-year extension.
<br />Any request for a one-year extension of funding shall require submittal by the PROJECT SPONSOR of a request for
<br />extension to the DISTRICT no later than July of fiscal year two of the approved project. This request will then be
<br />