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A TRUE COPY <br />CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br />RYAN L. BUTLER, CLERK <br />Contract# IRL2024N-08 <br />Encumbrance# GLO1-2309 <br />Big Slough <br />Restoration Site: Big Slough, Map site 7a (27.8179800, -80.432373°).) Sebastian Inlet. <br />Primary contact: <br />Melissa Meisenburg, Sr. Lagoon Environmental Specialist, IRC Parks and Conservation <br />Resources, IR County, 5500 77th Street Vero Beach, FL 32967 <br /> (772) 559-5330 <br />Big Slough (Indian River County, FL) is located three miles south of Sebastian Inlet on the <br />eastern side of the IRL surrounded by Melba Island and Pelican Island National Wildlife <br />Refuge (figure 1). The site's proximity to the inlet allows for improved water flow and water <br />quality needed for successful seagrass restoration projects. The natural islands adjacent to Big <br />Slough shelter the site from wave energy, reducing sediment transport and ultimately <br />improving seagrass establishment. <br />Design: Indian River County will work with Sea & Shoreline to cultivate, plant and maintain <br />12.8 acres of seagrass within Big Slough (Figure 2). The seagrass utilized in the project is a <br />pure strain cultivar of Halodule wrightii, originally collected from previous projects within <br />the IRL. Seagrass will be harvested from an upland nursery and packaged into Mechanical <br />Planting Units (MPU) and four -inch peat pots. MPUs are pre -rooted plants in biodegradable <br />mesh containers containing 1-3 apical meristems and a proprietary blend of sediments <br />promoting seagrass growth. Peat pots are larger planting units containing up to 25 shoots, <br />pre -rooted in a 4"x4" biodegradable fabric pot. <br />Sixty-four thousand MPUs will be installed on three-foot centers across the site. 1,600 peat <br />pots will be installed in groups of five and planted below GrowSAVTM herbivory exclusion <br />devices. GrowSAVTM herbivory exclusion devices will be deployed in clusters of five placed <br />on 15 -foot centers for a total of 320 devices (Figure 3). The legs of the device bury in the <br />sediment anchoring and keeping it flush with the seafloor to prevent entrapment. Each cluster <br />will be staked with PVC pipe to mark its location. The exclusion devices will protect an area <br />of seven -square feet preventing grazing from herbivores and allowing the establishment of <br />the peat pots. Seagrass educational signage will be installed at the site to protect the newly <br />installed MPUs and educate users. <br />Maintenance: During GrowSAVTM deployment, monthly maintenance events will remove <br />drift algae and biofouling organisms from the exclusion devices to ensure ample light <br />penetration. GrowSAVTM Herbivory Exclusion Devices will be removed from the project site <br />after twelve months. <br />Page 15 <br />