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STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Form 725-000-02 <br />PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION STRATEGIC <br />DEVELOPMENT <br />GRANT AGREEMENT EXHIBITS OGc10124 <br />EXHIBIT E <br />PROGRAM SPECIFIC TERMS AND CONDITIONS — TRANSIT <br />(For State Block Grant Only) <br />This exhibit forms an integral part of the Agreement between the Department and the Agency. <br />1. Statutory Reference. Section 341.052, F.S. <br />2. Eligibility. The Department shall provide block grant funds for eligible capital and operating costs of public bus <br />transit and local public fixed guideway projects. Eligibility of this Agency to receive grant funding is provided in <br />Section 341.052(1), F.S., and Sections 5307 and 5311 of the Federal Transit Act, 49 U.S.C. 5307, and 49 <br />U.S.C. 5311 respectively. <br />a) Eligible transit capital costs means any costs that would be defined as capital costs by the Federal <br />Transit Administration. <br />b) Eligible transit operating costs are the total administrative, management, and operation costs directly <br />incident to the provision of public bus transit services, excluding any depreciation or amortization of <br />capital assets. <br />3. Local Revenue Limits. Block grant funds shall not exceed local revenue during the term of this Agreement. <br />Local revenue is defined as the sum of money received from local government entities to assist in paying <br />transit operation costs, including tax funds, and revenue earned from fare box receipts, charter service, <br />contract service, express service and non - transportation activities. <br />4. Supplanting Local Tax Revenue. Block grant funds shall not supplant local tax revenues made available for <br />operations in the year immediately preceding this Agreement. <br />5. State Participation. State participation in eligible public transit operating costs may not exceed fifty (50) <br />percent of such costs or an amount equal to the total revenue, excluding farebox, charter, and advertising <br />revenue and federal funds, received by the provider for operating costs, whichever amount is less. <br />6. Required Budget. The Agency shall provide the Department with two (2) copies of its most current adopted <br />budget by March 1. Unless the adopted budget uses a format consistent with the National Transit Database <br />(NTD) report, the copy provided to the Department will indicate how the projections for total local revenue, <br />local tax revenue made available for operations, and depreciation and amortization costs, as they will appear <br />in the NTD report, can be identified. <br />7. Required Publication of Productivity and Performance Measures. The Agency shall publish in the local <br />newspaper of its area, in the format prescribed by the Department, the productivity and performance measures <br />established for the transit providers most recently completed fiscal year and the prior fiscal year. This report <br />shall be approved by the Department prior to its publication. This report shall be submitted to the Department <br />no later than November 15 of each year, and published either by December 31 or no later than twenty-eight <br />(28) calendar days of the Department's written approval of the report. The Agency shall furnish an affidavit of <br />publication to the Department within twenty eight (28) calendar days of publication. <br />8. Annual Plan or Update. The Agency shall submit a Transit Development Plan (TDP) or annual update to the <br />Department by September 1 of each year. <br />a) As a separate part of the transit development plan or annual report, the Agency will address potential <br />enhancements to productivity and performance which would have the effect of increasing farebox ratio <br />pursuant to Section 341.071(2), F.S. <br />Page 21 of 26 <br />