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Board of County Commissioners Meeting Minutes - Final October 30, 2024 <br />capacity analysis was performed using existing land use data to determine how much <br />vacant property was within the USB and the maximum build out of that property <br />based on the densities currently adopted with the County's existing FLUM. Based on <br />that analysis, it was determined that the existing FLUM could accommodate 51,049 <br />potential new residents, surpassing the 42,698 new residents projected within the <br />County through 2050. <br />Mr. Raasch stated that Inspire and the County conducted a public engagement <br />initiative featuring a project website with a survey (over 4,100 views and 1,126 <br />responses) and six workshops across the County. The key takeaways included: <br />- Preference for maintaining the existing Urban Service Boundary (USB) <br />- Concerns with growth, environmental impacts, infrastructure readiness, and traffic <br />congestion <br />- Support for low-density, single-family housing and mixed-use development <br />- A need for affordable housing <br />- Emphasis on environmental preservation and natural resources <br />He recommended the following five (5) strategies for consideration as the County <br />drafted policies for the 2050 Comprehensive Plan update: <br />1. Targeted USB Expansion: While the existing USB could accommodate the <br />projected growth through 2050, the County should consider a targeted expansion <br />west of the new Oslo Road / I-95 interchange. This could be a catalyst for growth, <br />similar to the interchange at SR 60. <br />2. Interlocal Service Agreements: Work with the municipalities on an annexation <br />strategy and policies to address future growth within the central enclave area and <br />beyond. These agreements should align municipal service provisions and annexation <br />processes, streamlining development efforts and addressing land use conflicts. <br />3. USB Expansion for Affordable Housing: Create policies allowing USB expansions <br />for developments that meet affordable housing criteria if they are close to existing <br />USB lines. <br />4. Policy for Bisected Properties: Establish guidelines to include properties partially <br />within the USB as fully within it if there were parcels of record before establishing the <br />boundary. This is a clean-up policy that affected only a handful of properties. <br />5. Increased Densities for Affordable Housing: While this was not USB specific, <br />policies that allowed for higher densities within the existing USB could assist in <br />meeting housing demands and would limit the need for future boundary expansions. <br />5. BOARD COMMENTS/ QUESTIONS <br />In response to a question by Commissioner Moss, Mr. Balter explained that <br />environmentally sensitive lands were identified by analyzing wetlands and water bodies <br />using GIS data, which outlined the boundaries of all wetlands within the County. <br />Indian River County Florida Page 2 <br />