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A TRUE COPY <br />CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br />RYAN L. BUTLER, CLERK <br />(a) The approximate 80' x 80' square located in the Northeastern corner of the Property (the <br />"Staging Area"); and <br />(b) The approximately 320' linear feet and 50' wide strip of the Property running from the <br />Northern edge of the OWNER's aforesaid Operation Area northward to the Work Area <br />(the "Temporary Access Drive"). <br />(The Staging Area and Temporary Access Drive, together the Easement Property, are depicted on Exhibit <br />"C" attached hereto.) <br />Owner authorizes the County and its employee(s), contractors, subcontractors, and agent(s) to enter upon <br />the Easement Property identified above for the purpose of ingress and egress of personnel, construction <br />equipment and materials, and staging and storing of such equipment and materials within the Staging <br />Area, with all rights and privileges necessary or convenient for the full enjoyment or use thereof, including, <br />but not limited to the right to fortify the Easement Property with temporary roadmaking materials, cut <br />and keep clear all trees, undergrowth and other obstructions within said area that may interfere with the <br />proper use of the Easement Property.. The County's exercise of any of the privileges granted herein is <br />subject to and constitutes acceptance of all the conditions of the Easement as set forth in this Agreement. <br />This Easement does not convey any other right, title, or interest in the Easement Property and may only <br />be used for the ingress, egress, and staging in connection with the Project and no other purpose. This <br />Easement is not assignable to any other party. <br />OWNER reserves the right to use the Easement Property for any lawful purpose that will not <br />prevent or interfere with the exercise by the County of the rights granted under this Agreement. <br />3. Grant of License. In addition to, and in connection with, the aforesaid Easement, OWNER <br />does hereby also grant to County a license for County, and its employee(s), contractors, subcontractors, <br />and agent(s), to enter upon and pass through the Operations Area of the Property for the purpose of <br />ingress and egress between 77" Street and the Easement Property (the "License"). The said License shall <br />be irrevocable as long as the Easement remains in effect and shall automatically terminate upon <br />termination of the Easement; provided, however, such License shall be subject to the following terms, <br />conditions, and restrictions: <br />Initials OV` <br />(a) The License is for the limited purpose of allowing personnel, equipment and materials <br />to pass through the Operations Area so as to travel between 77`" Street and the <br />Easement Property; <br />(b) County shall not park or stage vehicles, equipment or materials anywhere within the <br />Operations Area or engage in any other activity within the Operations Area which <br />may interfere with or hinder OWNER's Operations therein; <br />(c) County shall follow and comply with such additional rules, regulations or restrictions <br />as may be promulgated by OWNER and communicated to County from time to time <br />in order to avoid or minimize any interference with OWNER's Operations, including <br />the restriction of County's vehicles and personnel passing through the Operations <br />Area during certain limited peak hours of the day during which OWNER's vehicles are <br />entering or exiting the Property. <br />(d) OWNER will re -position all shipping containers currently located near the Northern <br />end of the Operations Area so as to provide a sufficiently clear passage for County <br />License Agreement <br />8350 58TH AVE <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />