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Urban Service Boundary Study Briefing <br />The primary takeaways from the public engagement included: <br />• Preference for maintaining the existing USB <br />• Growth concerns: environmental impacts, infrastructure readiness, traffic congestion <br />• Preference for low-density, single-family housing with some support for mixed-use development <br />• Need for affordable housing <br />• Need to preserve the environment and natural resources <br />RECOMMENDATIONS <br />Inspire recommends five (5) strategies for consideration as the County drafts policies for the overall <br />2050 Comprehensive Plan update. Those strategies are as follows: <br />1. Targeted USE; Expansion: While the existing USB can accommodate the projected growth through <br />2050, the County should consider a targeted expansion west of the new Oslo Road / 1-95 <br />interchange. This has the potential to be a catalyst for growth, similar to the interchange at SR 60. <br />2. Interlocal Service Agreements: Work with the municipalit es on an annexation strategy and policies <br />to address future growth within the central enclave area and beyond. These agreements should <br />~ align municipal service provisions and annexation processes, streamlining development efforts <br />and addressing land use conflicts. ANA_t� R&N, -:::;�y1tkX-eY <br />3. USB Expansion for Affordable Housing: Create policies that allow USB expansions for <br />developments that meet affordable housing criteria, if they are within close proximity to existing <br />USB lines. <br />4. Policy for Bisected Properties: Establish guidelines to include properties partially within the USB <br />as fully within it, if they were lots of record prior to the establishment of the boundary. This is a <br />clean-up policy that affects only a handful of properties. <br />tk--*aF Sty c grope �-1es <br />Increased Densities for Affordable Housing: While this isn't USB specific, policies that allow for <br />higher densities within the existing USB have the ability to assist in meeting housing demands <br />and will limit the need for future boundary expansions. <br />