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11/12/1996 (2)
11/12/1996 (2)
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Last modified
7/23/2015 12:06:02 PM
Creation date
6/17/2015 9:02:31 AM
Meeting Type
Special Call Meeting
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Meeting Date
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M M M <br />Director Keating advised that staff had worked closely with <br />Director Callahan in forming their recommendations. <br />Chairman Adams questioned the use of an 81,000+ population <br />figure, and Director Keating explained that was the 1990 census <br />figure; the 1995 figure is 122,000. <br />Concerning beach parks, Commissioner Eggert wondered whether <br />there would be a need for additional ocean or river parks for quite <br />a while with all those presently in place, and Director Keating <br />advised that the State did not require them to break out LOS by <br />specific types of parks, although it had been done in 1990 because <br />those were the types of parks at that time. He thought what might <br />be needed would be river access in the south county, on the <br />mainland side. He pointed out that the plan for the Oslo Park boat <br />ramp is being eliminated due to sea grasses and an inability to dig <br />a channel. <br />Commissioner Bird agreed that the county was in good shape.on,., <br />beachfront parks, and that the improvements planned for Round <br />Island would help the south end of the county. There was a need to <br />improve the channel and car and boat trailer parking for the river <br />in the south end as well. <br />Commissioner Eggert believed that some parks would be more <br />popular if there was more playground equipment in place. <br />Director Keating requested more direction as to whether the <br />Board wanted "Charles Park -type parks" scattered around the county <br />or if they wanted to focus attention on larger regional parks which <br />might provide ball parks and so forth. <br />Commissioner Bird recounted his 14 -year history of <br />achievements in parks and recreation, telling of the little parks <br />scattered around originally and of the difficulties in maintaining <br />those small parcels. He stated that the Parks and Recreation <br />Committee had taken the position of concentrating on <br />larger/regional parks. Now that the larger parks have been <br />established and the population has infilled, he suggested there may <br />be a need to carefully plan for smaller neighborhood parks in <br />higher population areas where there is no regional park. <br />Director Keating advised that the Board would not need to make <br />a final decision this year, but merely give a general indication of <br />which direction staff should proceed. <br />In response to Chairman Adams' inquiry on Policy 1.1 above, <br />Director Keating advised that the recommendation of 4 acres/1000 <br />people was a compromise. <br />Administrator Chandler recalled that a few years ago the City <br />of Vero Beach and the County funded a study, but the final <br />5 <br />November 12, 1996 k <br />BOOK 99 Face ls9 <br />
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