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I <br />BOOK 99 P440.31 <br />Bruce Barkett, attorney representing applicant Lori <br />Fothergill, stated that he was here to address commercial use of <br />commercial property in this county. He referred to the map showing <br />existing commercial uses and emphasized that commercial uses are <br />encouraged in commercial areas. He noted that the proposed <br />ordinance is not about bars; it is about restaurants in commercial <br />areas serving alcoholic drinks. Attorney Barkett also noted that <br />no one here today has talked about how the serving of beer and wine <br />at a restaurant would affect the church. They have talked about <br />the evils of alcohol. He then addressed the matter of police <br />enforcement, and pointed out that Vero Beach Police Chief Jim <br />Gabbard said that in his 11 years in Vero Beach he has never had a <br />complaint or an incident concerning the proximity of a restaurant <br />to a church. Attorney Barkett emphasized that the City's <br />separation distance is 500 feet. He didn't agree that it was a <br />lowering of a standard; the proposed ordinance only permits <br />restaurants to be within 500 feet of a church. <br />Attorney Barkett asked the Board to consider the arguments of <br />how -the restaurant could affect the church by serving alcoholic <br />beverages along with food. He felt that if the goal is to decrease <br />consumption of alcohol, let's go the route of making this a dry <br />county. He stressed that we are talking about on -premise drinking, <br />not beer and wine to take out, such as in convenience stores. <br />Commissioner Macht felt the difference between the County and <br />the City requirements probably came about because of the population <br />densities of Vero Beach. <br />Lori Fothergill, owner of the Ultimate Pizza, related that she <br />and her husband went established this family business 7 years ago. <br />They have a 4 year-old son her husband passed away 3 years ago. <br />They have family values and they have not contributed to the <br />delinquency of minors and never will. Mrs. Fothergill felt that <br />the issue of the separation distance requirement should have been <br />handled a long time ago. The problem of on -premise drinking <br />outside of some bars has not been resolved and now it has become <br />her problem. She believed the owners of those bars should have <br />been fined or penalized in some way to control those activities. <br />Mrs. Fothergill urged the Board to consider her request. <br />Jim Isaacson, pastor of Grace United Methodist Church in <br />Wabasso, spoke against reducing the separation distance because he <br />believed it would further erode the moral standards of our <br />community. He cautioned that changing it for this person only <br />would open the doors to other requests. <br />DECEMBER 3, 1996 55 <br />