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BOOK 99 F,n4057 <br />Commissioner Ginn questioned whether signs in connection with <br />the Wabasso Corridor Plan would remain the same throughout the <br />county, and Director Boling advised there would be some lessening <br />in size with the height limited to 10 feet. Because of the <br />reduction in height and size, the signs will be allowed to be a <br />little closer to the road, up to 1 foot of the right-of-way. <br />Chairman Adams opened the public hearing and asked if anyone <br />in the audience wished to address any of the land development <br />regulation changes that are proposed tonight that we have not <br />already discussed. <br />Bev Robinson inquired whether the Wabasso Corridor Plan <br />specifies the types of landscaping people have to use. <br />Director Boling referred to Page 9 of the proposed Ordinance <br />which is the beginning of the list of required landscaping. <br />Ms. Robinson felt it is a mistake to limit the landscaping so <br />severely because we are in an area where the tropics begin and <br />there are many other plants that don't freeze. <br />Director Boling explained that this approach has not been <br />taken on SR -60; the Wabasso Corridor is a theme area. <br />Karl Hedin stated that his site plan was approved by staff <br />with stipulations and they have been very flexible as long as the <br />landscaping is within the general theme. <br />In response to Commissioner Tippin's inquiry, Mr. Hedin <br />advised that he will use reuse water as reclaimed water is very <br />desirable to use in a car wash. Altamonte Springs is using reuse <br />water widely. <br />Chairman Adams inquired whether anyone else wished to be heard <br />in this matter. There being none, she closed the public hearing. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Eggert, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Ginn, the Board unanimously approved <br />submitting the ordinance to the next public hearing <br />on December 17, 1996 at 9:05 A.M. <br />2 <br />DECEMBER 4, 1996 <br />� � r <br />