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Creation date
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MONDAY, JULY 6th, 1925. <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida, met at the <br />__Court house in Vero Beach, Florida, on Monday July 6th 1925 at 10 o'clock A. M. with <br />the following members present: John H Atkin, Chairman; G A Braddock; J W LaBru.ce; <br />Donald Forbes and 0 0 Helseth. Also present were Miles Warren, Clerk and J VP Knight, <br />Sheriff. <br />James T Vocelle, was named as Attorney for the Board of County Commissioners for <br />the remainder of the year. <br />Rev A B Cannady appeared before the Board with respect to W S Parsley, a pauper. <br />After some consideration no action was taken at this time for the reason it had not been <br />determined what the County ill be in position to do fornsuch paupers. <br />It was ordered that the County Attorney be instructed to furnish each member of the <br />Board with a copy of the Act of the 1925 Legislature creating Indian River County. <br />The Notary Public bond of 0 P Banks, in the sum of $500 00 with Wm Atkins and T. J. <br />Campbell, as sureties was approved. <br />The bond of Gordon R Olmstead, as Tax Collector, in the sum of $20,000.00 with the <br />following: <br />Thos J Campbell, as surety in the sum of $7500.00 <br />Wm. Atkin, as surety in the sum of $7500.00 <br />A. W. Young, as surety in the sum of $2000.00 <br />A. M. Hill, as surety in the sum df 02000.00 <br />D. C. Cox, as surety in the sum of $1000.00 <br />Total $20,000.00 was approved. <br />The bond of John T Beugnot, as Deputy Sheriff in the sum of $1,000.00 with H M Sallee <br />and E B Sembler, as sureties approved. <br />The bond of Frank P Willis, as Deputy Sheriff in the sum of $1,000.00 with A B Knight <br />and Miles McNece as sureties, approved. <br />The bond of Robert C Myers, as Deputy Sheriff in the sum of $1,000.00 with R E Mudge <br />and P H McEachron, as sureties, approved. <br />The bond of Elbert W Knight, as Deputy Sheriff in the sum of $14000.00 with E C Walker <br />and A G Even as sureties,. approved. <br />It was ordered that Commissioners G A Braddock and Donald Forbes meet with the <br />Board of County Commissioners of St Lucie County, Florida, on Tuesday July 7th 1925, in <br />an advisory capacity only, for the purpose of assisting in the equalization of taxes . <br />and assessments upon all property located in now Indian River County. It was further <br />ordered that such members of this Board request for a joint meeting between said Boards <br />for the purpose of making settlement of all assets and liabilities of formerly St Lucie <br />County, and to have the date set as soon as practicable. <br />The Clerk of tie Circuit Court having prepared estimates of the revenue and receipts <br />from sources other than from taxes to be levied, reasonably to be expected from the first day <br />of October 1925 to the 30th day of September 1926, the said estimated having been pro- <br />perly verified under oath were ordered spread upon the minutes of the Board and the ori- <br />ginal to be filed as a part of the records of the Board, a copy forwarded to the State <br />Comptroller, and is in words and.figures as follows: <br />GENERAL REVENUE ruBD. <br />Occupational License taxes $1500.00 <br />Tax Redemptions 1000.00 <br />Candidates fees primary election1500.00 <br />00 .00 <br />FINE & FORFEITURE FUND. <br />Fines and Costs $7500.00 <br />Tax Redemptions 300.00 <br />§7800.00 <br />
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