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1 <br />Miams 3XICffiIBER 15th 1935_. <br />The Board of County Commissioners in and for Indian River County, Florida, met at <br />the Court House in Vero Besaoh, at 14:OC o'clock A.M.Priday, December 15th, 19339 with <br />the following, members of the Board present: J .J.P.Hamilton9 Ghairmn; J. B. Yongue; <br />R. E. lodge -and John M. Knight. .also present were Riles Warren, Clerk and Im. Prick, <br />sheriff. <br />The Chaizsman announced the meeting of the Board was for the purpose of discussing <br />the question of use of County Trucks on Civil Works project.s in the County, and such <br />other matters as may properly oome before the meeting. <br />After considerable diaoussin& on motion of Commissioner Mudge, and duly seconded, <br />it was ordered that County trucks be used +6n the Civil Works Administration projects <br />in the completion of work now in progress, and that the Civil Works projects approved <br />for the County School Board have preference, also that preference be given individual <br />owners of tracks who have paid their license tax to operate such trucks as they own. <br />Upon the same being put to a vote the same was carried as follows: Ayes: Com'rs, <br />Mudge and Knight. Nay: Com'r Yongue. <br />Commisvioner.Knight introducdd the following resolution and moved its adoption, <br />to -wits <br />WMM=9 the Bridge in Indian River County kn6wn - as Fero Beach Bridges has been <br />taken over for maintenance by the State Road Department of Florida; and <br />WHRMASO the, Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County and the citizens <br />of said County are deeply grateful for thin aetion of the State Road Department and the <br />members thereof and to the Honorable Dave Shgltz, ' Governor and to the He: noreble J. P. <br />Newell, Secretary to the governor, for their efforts in connection therewith; therefore, <br />BE IT MOOLVED that the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River dounty here <br />With expresses <br />to <br />the members of the State Road Department and to the <br />Governor and to <br />the Secretary, <br />the <br />appreciation of said Board of *Dun'ty Commissioners <br />and of the citizens <br />of this 0ounty, for the taking over for maintenance of said Bri.dgei <br />BE IT PURTIMR pLVZD, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to State Road <br />Department at Tallahassee to be read to the membbers of said Department and that a copy <br />be forwarded to the Honorable a. P: Mooty'q member from this District and to the Ronorab <br />]lave Sch, altz and -to ,the Ron: #To B: Newell: <br />Upon -being pat ton v9te the same was Unanimously adopted. <br />.Commissioner R. B. Midge introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption, <br />to -wits <br />BHEi 1, Indian River County, through the Board of Cflunty Commissioners; has made <br />application to the _ft blie Works administration for a lean for the purpose of construct- <br />ing a Court House in said aunty; and <br />WERPM9 Honorable J'. Mark Pilcox, member of Congress from this District, has been <br />recently advised of this application and has expressed his willingness to assieg in <br />securing the approval of said application and has made contest in -Washington With regard <br />to the same; therefore, <br />BE IT BHSOLVED9 that the Board of County Commissioners for Indian River 0ounty, does <br />herewith ekpress to Ronorable T Jbrk W lcox$ its appreciation for his splendid cbdp6ra- <br />tion in regard to said utter and that a copy of this resolution be fortarded to Xr: <br />Vilcox. <br />11pon bbing put to a vete the same was unanimously adopted. <br />PHbiRS^ our Ration, State, County and the Citizens thereof, are in the midst of <br />