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October 14, 1997 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida, met in Regular <br />Session at the County Commission Chambers, 1840 251' Street, Vero Beach, Florida, on <br />Tuesday, October 14, 1997, at 9:00 a.m. Present were Carolyn K. Eggert; Chairman; John <br />W. Tippin, Vice Chairman; Fran B. Adams; Kenneth R Macht, and Caroline D. Ginn. Also <br />present were James E. Chandler, County Administrator; Charles P. Vitunac, County <br />Attorney; and Patricia Ridgely, Deputy Clerk. <br />1 CALL TO ORDER <br />The Chairman called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. <br />2 INVOCATION <br />Commissioner Ginn delivered the invocation. <br />3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE <br />Chairman Eggert led the Pledge to the Flag. <br />4 ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA <br />Chairman Eggert requested addition of item I I.G.2., a request for use of Gifford Park <br />for a Carnival to benefit the Gifford Activities Center.. <br />Commissioner Macht requested the addition of item 13.E., report on Children's <br />Services Network. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Adams, SECONDED BY <br />Commissioner Ginn, the Board unanimously added the above <br />items to the Agenda. <br />OCTOBER 14, 1997 <br />1 <br />WE 07 <br />