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7/23/2015 12:10:20 PM
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6/17/2015 10:25:31 AM
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county's Public Works Department and the Community Development Department, in <br />cooperation with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), have reviewed <br />permit applications for seawalls and rigid shoreline stabilization methods within the municipal <br />limits of the City of Vero Beach. This LDR change is needed to make LDR section 932.04 <br />consistent with the current arrangement that the county review and permit seawalls in the City <br />of Vero Beach. Sections 932.06 (dune and shoreline protection) and 932.09 (sea turtle <br />protection) are referenced in the proposed change and are contained in attachment #4. <br />5. Setbacks for Fruit Spreading <br />Int nnittent spreading of fruit (e.g. citrus) on agricultural property for livestock feed or as a <br />soil additive is an historical and accepted practice in the county. However, recent dumping <br />near roadways has created nuisance situations and raised aesthetic concerns. County staff <br />from solid waste, environmental health, planning and the county attorney's office recently met <br />with Commissioner Adams in whose district some of the nuisance has occurred. At the <br />meeting there was a consensus that the practice of fiwt spreading should be allowed to be <br />continued, that the fruit should not be placed in the landfill, and that setbacks for fruit that is <br />dumped and spread need to be established from public roads and occupied structures (to <br />avoid nuisances) and from waterways and wells (for health reasons). The various setback <br />figures contained in the proposal are based upon relevant environmental health standards and <br />nuisance abatement setbacks used in the county's existing debris burning ordinance. <br />Also, it should be noted that the proposed amendment treats fluit spreading as an allowable <br />accessory use on agriculturally zoned property, subject to the special setbacks. No planning <br />approval or permitting approval would be required in order to dump and spread the fiuit. <br />However, the proposed setbacks could be enforced through code enforcement procedures and <br />the environmental control board. During the AAC (Agriculture Advisory Committee) meeting <br />at which this proposal was reviewed, county extension director Dan Culbert stated that his <br />research indicates there are no negative health or environmental impacts from fruit spreading. <br />Even so, AAC members believe that the proposed 200' setbacks (from public roads, private <br />wells, and water bodies) should be increase to 500'. <br />PSAC Recommendation: The PSAC recommends approval of the proposal. <br />PZC Recommendation: The PZC recommend approval of the proposal. <br />AAC Recommendation: The AAC recommends approval of the proposal with a change: that <br />the 200' setbacks referenced in the proposal be increased to 500'. <br />6. Vehicles Ancillary to Office Uses <br />This amendment is proposed at the request of the Planning and Zoning Commission. At its <br />October 23, 1997 meeting the Commission, after voting to uphold a staff determination that <br />a limousine service is principally an office use that is allowed in the OCR (Office, <br />Commercial, Residential) district, directed staff to codify the determination into the LDRs. <br />In response to that directive, staff has drafted an LDR amendment that establishes criteria for <br />vehicles that are part of an office use or a transportation use that involves only the types of <br />vehicles allowed in residential areas by the zoning code. The criteria will restrict materials <br />kept on site (e.g. prohibiting storage of construction materials) and will restrict the types of <br />vehicles kept on site to only the types of vehicles allowed in residential areas (see attachment <br />#5). Another of the criteria involves the "25% rule", which reflects a long-standing staff <br />policy on traffic impact fee determinations, whereby secondary uses are allowed to occupy <br />up to 25% of a structure while the overall use of the structure is determined based on the <br />remaining 75+0/o. The proposed criteria will limit the total number of "residential" vehicles <br />kept on site to 25% of the number of spaces required for the site's office use. <br />PSAC Recommendation: The PSAC recommends approval of the proposal. <br />PZC Recommendation: The PZC recommends approval of the proposal. <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners: <br />Direct staff to make any necessary changes to the proposed ordinance; and <br />2. Announce its intentions to take final action on the proposed ordinances at the Board's hearing <br />scheduled for 9:05 am. on December 16, 1997, to be held in the County Commission <br />Chambers. <br />DECEMBER 1, 1997 -5- HOOK PAGE 551 <br />
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