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0 • <br />WHEREAS, Lois J. Taylor began her career as a Clerk -Typist on October 4, 1982 and <br />was promoted to Housing Technician on October 1, 1986 Her position was reclassified to <br />Rental Assistant Technician based on the 1988 Wage Classification Study. Her position was <br />re -titled to a Rental Assistant Technician I7 which is the position she currently holds today. <br />WHEREAS, Lois J. Taylor has provided many years of devoted service and has been a <br />key person in the Section 8 Program with her maturity, wisdom and common sense making her <br />a valuable employee. She has demonstrated professionalism in dealing with clients and staff. <br />WHEREAS, Lois J Taylor will be missed by her fellow co-workers and they wish her the <br />very best in her well earned retirement <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the Board of County Commissioners <br />of Indian River County, Florida, that the Board wishes to express their appreciation to Lois J <br />Taylor for her dedication and outstanding service to Indian River County Government <br />BE IT FURTHER PROCLAIMED that the Board wishes her the very best in her future <br />endeavors. <br />Dated this 201h day of January, 1998. <br />BOARD OF COUNTYCOMMISSIONERS <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />January 20, 1998 <br />5 <br />