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<br />Clerk's Note: The following have been submitted by Messrs. Turner and Zorc
<br />and have been placed on file in the Office of the Clerk to the Board with the
<br />backup of this meeting:
<br />1. Letter of T. C. Wang, Ph.D., Chemical Engineer, Harbor Branch Foundation,
<br />Inc., dated Oct. 3, 1978 to Vero Beach Water Treatment Plant Superintendent.
<br />2. Letter of Michael C. Durwin, General Manager, Piper Aircraft Corporation,
<br />dated Mar. 9, 1981, to Vero Beach Water and Wastewater Department
<br />Manager.
<br />3. Portion of letter on City of Vero Beach letterhead dated July 1, 1979, to
<br />William Bostwick, Jr., P.E., Water Engineering Section, St. Johns River
<br />District, Department of Environmental Regulation, Orlando.
<br />4. Memo dated Dec. 5, 1979, from Chief; Applied Technology Section to Charles
<br />P. Albus, Permits Section, Water Enforcement Branch.
<br />5. Memo dated April 2, 1979 from City Manager J.V. Little to E. Grosh,
<br />(Water/Sewer) E. Rymer, (Building/Zoning) & W. Harris (Airport)
<br />6. Letter from William Bostwick (DER) dated May 21, 1979, to Elliott L. Grosh,
<br />P.E., Manager, Vero Beach Water & Sewer Dept.
<br />7. Memo from John R. Ten Eyck, Lab Supervisor, dated Jan. 22, 1981, to
<br />Hillman Goff, Manager Water/Sewer
<br />8. Letter from William Bostwick (DER) dated Feb. 16, 1981, to Hillman Goff,
<br />Manager, Vero Beach Water and Sewer.
<br />Sidney W. Turner, 8775 20' Street advised that he was back with more information
<br />he had found since his last presentation. Vero Beach City Manager Rex Taylor contacted
<br />him after his last appearance advising that he could inspect the City's Water & Sewer
<br />Department files in order to obtain answers to his specific questions. Mr. Turner's main
<br />objective was to determine if there was a health hazard when TCE was initially discovered
<br />in 1978, and whether contaminated water supplied at that time could be affecting the health
<br />of local citizens to this day. He described his findings as "shocking".
<br />Mr. Turner stated that in June 1978 a local newspaper reported the City had finally
<br />traced TCE while monitoring the flow from Well #15, one of the City's best producers
<br />located along 27'h Avenue near Piper. The City immediately closed down Well # 15. At that
<br />time, the City Manager assured the public that TCE had never reached the city's homes and
<br />businesses. In October 1978, Dr. T.C. Wang, a chemical engineer at Harbor Branch
<br />Foundation, Inc., a Ft. Pierce scientific research foundation, wrote to the Superintendent of
<br />the Water Treatment Plant of Vero Beach and informed him that he had recently tested the
<br />drinking water of two homes in Vero Beach, his own on the barrier island and a co-worker's
<br />on the mainland. An analysis of the water from both homes revealed a high content of TCE
<br />February 3, 1998
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<br />BOOK 10FAGE 08 G.
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