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The Chairman opened the public hearing and asked if anyone wished to be heard in <br />this matter. There being none, he closed the public hearing. <br />Staff's recommendations were approved by a 3-2 vote, Commissioners Ginn and <br />Macht opposed due to a disagreement with the density bonus allowances. <br />6. HOUSEHOLD PET DEFINITIONAND NON-COMMERCIAL KENNELS <br />(, TAFFAND PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONINITIATED) <br />Chairman Tippin asked if the Commissioners had any questions; there were none. <br />The Chairman opened the public hearing and asked if anyone wished to be heard in <br />this matter. There being none, he closed the public hearing. <br />There was CONSENSUS to agree with staff's recommendations. <br />7. MAILED NOTICE REQUIREMENTS: REGULAR MAIL VS. CERTIFIED MAIL <br />,fSTAFFINITIATED) <br />Chairman Tippin asked if the Commissioners had any questions. <br />Commissioner Ginn agreed with regular rather than certified mailings but felt the <br />notification area should be widened to 600 feet as protection for the public. She did not <br />believe 300 feet would be adequate. <br />Chairman Tippin disagreed and felt he would rather rely on staff. He noted that in <br />the past when staff felt there was a peculiarity, a much broader area had been included in the <br />notifications. <br />Commissioner Macht also noted that public notice is now given with regard to these <br />matters. <br />The Chairman opened the public hearing and asked if anyone wished to be heard in <br />this matter. There being none, he closed the public hearing. <br />Staff's recommendations were approved by a 4-1 vote, Commissioner Ginn opposed.. <br />MAY 199 1998 ., <br />-13- EOQA M) F <br />