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r li��p," I <br />EOOK l� FAGS 4�I� <br />ZA I-95/0SLO ROAD INTERCHANGE JusTIFICATIONREPORT PROJECT - <br />CONSIDERATION OF CONSULTANT RANKINGS - REYNOLDS, SMITH & <br />HILLS <br />The Board reviewed a Memorandum of June 29, 1998: <br />TO: James Chandler <br />County Administrator <br />THROUGH: Robert M. Keating, AICP M K— <br />Community Development Director <br />FROM: Jacob Riger T <br />MPO Staff Planner <br />DATE: June 29, 1998 <br />SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF CONSULTANT RANKINGS FOR I-95/OSL0 <br />ROAD INTERCHANGE JUSTIFICATION REPORT (IJR) PROJECT <br />It is requested that the information presented herein be given formal consideration by the Board of <br />County Commissioners at its regular meeting of July 7, 1998. <br />One of the transportation improvements incorporated within the Indian River County Metropolitan <br />Planning Organization's (MPO) 2020 Long Range Transportation Plan is an interchange at I-95 and <br />Oslo Rd (91s St. SW). The interchange is reflected in the plan because of the area's growth potential. <br />In Indian River County as well as elsewhere, constructing an interchange is dependent upon state <br />and federal approval of an Interchange Justification Report (UR). Before funding and construction <br />may occur, an IJR must adequately justify the need for an interchange. At its February 10, 1998 <br />meeting, the Board of County Commissioners approved the execution of a Joint Participation <br />Agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to fund the preparation of the <br />IJR, but to delay the consultant selection process to allow time for other development proposals that <br />would increase the need and justification for an interchange to emerge in the I-95/Oslo Rd. area The <br />Board also directed staff not to initiate the consultant selection process without prior authorization <br />from the Board. <br />Due to a change in project -related circumstances, which relate to the possibility of funding for the <br />construction of the interchange to be made available in the near future, staff obtained authorization <br />from the Board at its April 14, 1998 meeting to initiate the consultant selection process for this <br />project. Therefore, on April 15, 1998, staff issued RFP # 8055 to solicit the services of a consultant <br />to prepare the IJR. After the RFP closing date of May 13, 1998, staff assembled a consultant <br />selection committee to shortlist the consultant firms that responded to the RFP and to rank the <br />shortlisted candidates for approval by the Board The committee members are: Bob Keating, Chris <br />Mora, Jim Davis, and Jim Scully (FDOT). <br />Of the six firms that responded to the RFP by the closing date, the following four firms were <br />shortlisted: Glatting Jackson; Keith and Schnars; Post Buckley; and Reynolds, Smith, and Hills. All <br />four firms gave presentations to the consultant selection committee on Friday, June 26, 1998. On <br />the basis of those presentations, the consultant selection committee ranked the four fines in order <br />of preference as follows: Reynolds, Smith, and Hills (RSH); Glatting Jackson; Post Buckley; and <br />Keith and Schnars. <br />JULY 79 1998 <br />-8- <br />0 0 <br />