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"'371 rJB 1 <br />0 FAG-�= <br />Mr. Legwen questioned why the evaluations could not be done in-house and <br />expressed his concern that if the County announces it has $300,000 to disburse this year; <br />they will be inundated with requests and need to come up with $600,000 next year and <br />$900,000 the next year. <br />Chairman Tippin observed that a workshop would be helpful but felt the Network <br />fulfills a purpose and that this is a better way to distribute the funds than to have the <br />organizations appear before the Board and feel that those who can make a more polished <br />presentation have a better chance of obtaining funding. <br />Commissioner Macht noted that the County could imitate some of its sister counties <br />and have a referendum, creating an independent board with authority beyond that of the <br />committees; in effect, another taxing district. He felt the Committee is doing the best it can <br />and suggested that those with doubts might meet with representatives of the United Way and <br />see how they are struggling with limited funds. We all like to think of this as an upscale <br />community but there is a lot of grief in this area and we need to build an organization to <br />oversee these needs. When you look at 3 different organizations, it may appear that their <br />services overlap but there are large groups of persons needing the services and each can only <br />cover a small portion of the need. <br />Chairman Tippin suggested that a workshop be set up when County Attorney Vitunac <br />returned from vacation. <br />Mr. Legwen pointed out that he has been involved with Children's Services Network <br />since its inception and believes it is a wonderful concept. <br />CONSENSUS was reached that the County Attorneys will set up a workshop and <br />report back to the Board. <br />9.C. PUBLIC NOTICE ITEMS <br />9.C1. ROBERT COOK- REQUEST FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION USE <br />APPROVAL FOR AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS TO BE LOCATED ON <br />THE NORTH SIDE OF 26T f STREET, APPROXIMATEL Y 1/4 MILE <br />WEST OF 74wAVENUE <br />9. C.2. SPA LLONE/ARCHIE CARR LAAO SITE - REQUEST TO APPROVE <br />PURCHASE <br />JULY 79 1998 <br />0 <br />-40- <br />