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CIO ;Ir Gr " <br />11.A. SEBASTIAN AREA -WIDE SCRUB JAY HABITAT <br />CONSERVATION PLAN (HCP) - CONTRACT FOR <br />DEVELOPMENT WITH SMITH ENVIRONMENTAL <br />SERVICES, INC. <br />The Board reviewed a Memorandum of June 30, 1998: <br />TO: James E. Chandler <br />County Administrator <br />PA TMENT HEAD CONCURRENCE: <br />Robert M. Keating, AICP <br />Community Development F�for <br />FROM: Roland M. DeBlois; �IICP <br />Chief, Environmental Planning <br />DATE: June 30, 1998 <br />SUBJECT: Board Approval of Contract with Smith Environmental Services, Inc., <br />for Development of a Sebastian Area -Wide Scrub Jay Habitat <br />Conservation Plan (HCP) <br />It is requested that the information herein presented be given formal consideration by the Board of <br />County Commissioners at its regular meeting of July 7, 1998. <br />DESCRIPTION AND CONDITIONS <br />The Board of County Commissioners, at its meeting of December 9, 1997, authorized staff to <br />develop a scope of services and issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) for professional services <br />relating to development of a Sebastian area -wide scrub jay habitat conservation plan (HCP). The <br />purpose of the proposed HCP is to obtain an "incidental take" permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife <br />Service (FWS) to release for development ±450 privately owned platted scrub lots in Sebastian <br />Highlands Subdivision, using publicly owned scrub land for mitigation credit to offset the <br />development impacts of the platted scrub lots. <br />In February, county staff issued an RFP, and subsequently an appointed selection committee chose <br />Smith Environmental Services, Inc. (SES) as the top-ranked firm out of 11 proposals. On June 9, <br />1998, the Board of County Commissioners approved the selection committee's ranking, and <br />authorized staff to negotiate a contract with SES. <br />Staff has since negotiated a contract with Smith Environmental Services. The proposed contract (see <br />attached) is hereby presented for the Board's approval. <br />ANALYSIS <br />Attachment A ("Scope of Services") of the contract reflects the scope of work outlined in the <br />County's RFP. The proposed contract commits the consultant to complete the project in 6 months, <br />at an overall cost of $24,440 (376 work hours at $65 per hour). As presented earlier to the Board, <br />the County funding source for the project will be county environmental land bond monies, for which <br />the expenditure qualifies according to bond counsel. <br />In previous presentations to the Board, county staff estimated that the HCP would cost approximately <br />$20,000. However, during the course of the consultant selection process, it became apparent to staff <br />that the estimate was low, in that consultants' estima[es of work hours needed for the project were <br />as high as 1,972 hours. In negotiating the contract with SES, staff coordinated with SES and the U.S. <br />Fish and Wildlife Service to pair down consultant work hour needs, by means of county and FWS <br />staff collecting available data and providing such things as aerial maps. Staffs position is that the <br />negotiated contract with SES is "lean," and that the cost of $24,440 is appropriate given the scope <br />of work. <br />JULY 79 1998 <br />. -42- <br />• <br />I <br />