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The Chairman opened the public hearing and asked if anyone wished to be heard in <br />this matter. There being none, he closed the public hearing. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Eggert, SECONDED BY <br />Commissioner Adams, the Board unanimously adopted the <br />tentative budget of $10,371,800 for the Transportation Fund, as <br />recommended by staff. <br />5.A.4. Emergency Services District <br />Administrator Chandler explained there was a proposed increase in the millage rate <br />and advised the proposed budget for the next fiscal year was $14,287,612, an overall expense <br />increase of 4.5%. The proposed millage rate to fund that recommended budget is 2.3360, <br />which is 6.4% above the rollback millage rate of 2.1957. The reasons for the increased <br />proposed millage rate are: 1) the critical need to address replacement vehicles in Emergency <br />Services, 4 fire trucks and 4 ambulances; 2) expense increases related to salary adjustments <br />and the decrease in the pension expense; and 3) reduction in the cash forward amount which <br />was projected for the upcoming year to refurbish the ladder truck and purchase property for <br />proposed Station 11. <br />The Chairman opened the public hearing and asked if anyone wished to be heard in <br />this matter. There being none, he closed the public hearing. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Eggert, SECONDED <br />BY Commissioner Adams, to adopt the tentative millage rate of <br />2.3360 and tentative budget of $14,287,612 for the Emergency <br />Services District, as recommended by staff. <br />Under discussion, Commissioner Ginn thought the Board was going to have to look <br />at this budget more carefully in the future, it seems to be a "growth area". She pointed out <br />that the people had voted for this and they value it. She suggested additional workshops; the <br />Commissioners need to know the direction in which Emergency Services is going. <br />September 16, 1998 <br />7 <br />800X 107 PAGE 5 <br />