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r- <br />690K A-'/ PAGE 473 - <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Macht, SECONDED <br />BY Commissioner Ginn, to approve staff's recommendation. <br />Under discussion, Commissioner Ginn mentioned that government entities, for <br />instance, the Substance Abuse Council of Indian River County and the IRC Adolescent <br />Substance Abuse Counseling Program, were being awarded $65,000 of taxpayers' money <br />to fight substance abuse. She is in favor of it, but the Board needs to take that into <br />consideration when they are preparing to appropriate money from the Children's Services <br />Network. She has heard some criticism of the Teens Acting Responsibly Global Education <br />Troupe (T.A.R.G.E.T.), that they are going off into questionable areas. She would support <br />the motion on the floor, but thought the Board needed a little more information for the future. <br />Colette Hyde, Executive Director of the Substance Abuse Council of Indian River <br />County, oversees the administrative component for Indian River County of the federal anti- <br />drug abuse grant. She explained that the grant dollars which come into the county via law <br />forfeiture and are federal -level tax dollars. Indian River County is awarded that $157,777 <br />from a federal block grant. The Adolescent Offender program, which New Horizons' <br />administers, is a $44,000 program. The 25% match comes out of New Horizons budget, so <br />it is not Indian River County taxpayers' dollars going towards that program. The tax dollars <br />take a round -about route, but it is the only adolescent substance abuse/offender program in <br />Indian River County. All the services provided via that grant are free of charge to the youth. <br />The grant helps those parents in the county who cannot afford counseling services for their <br />children. <br />Commissioner Ginn asked if the matching dollars from Indian River County would <br />come out of the Children's Services Network, and Budget Director Joseph A. Baird advised <br />that the funds come from the general fund, not from the Children's Services Network. <br />Commissioner Ginn's point was that more money is going out than the <br />Commissioners realize. <br />Vice Chairman Macht pointed out that a lot of the programs that the Council oversees <br />are not related specifically or directly to children. The Council is administering/making <br />recommendations to the Commission on distribution of grant monies that come through the <br />State, generally from the federal government, and are not necessarily speaking of children's <br />issues. He thought the children's portion of that could easily be extrapolated and furnished <br />to Commissioner Ginn. <br />November 3, 1998 <br />30 <br />