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Subdivision and north of CR510 on the Barrier Island. The existing <br />Oceanaire Heights Subdivision experiences a drainage problem due to <br />the coastal dune type topography on the island. To solve the <br />drainage problem, the County and the developer are proposing a <br />developer's agreement which provides for the developer's contractor <br />constructing 850' of drainage pipe along the west line of Oceanaire <br />Heights. The County would pay the cost of the project, including <br />engineering, in the amount of $31,411.14. The pipe will drain a <br />low area in the subdivision. <br />ALTERNATIVES AND ANALYSIS <br />The attached agreement is in the best interest of the County since <br />the developer's contractor is already mobilized on the site. Site <br />clearing, excavation, and restoration shall be minimal cost to the <br />County. The Alternatives presented are as follows: <br />Alternative No. 1 <br />Approve: the agreement and authorize the Chairman's <br />signature. <br />Alternative No. 2 <br />Deny execution of the agreement and not perform the <br />project. <br />Alternative No. 1 is recommended which is the approval of the <br />Developer's Agreement. Funding is to be from the 1C Local Option <br />Sales Tax appropriation for stormwater projects. <br />Developer's Agreement <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Ginn, SECONDED <br />BY Vice Chairman Macht, to approve staff's recommendation <br />(Alternative No. 1). <br />Under discussion, Commissioner Ginn understood this would handle the runoff from <br />an existing subdivision, and Public Works Director James Davis confirmed she was correct. <br />The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION and the motion <br />carried unanimously (3-0 Commissioners Adams and Eggert <br />absent). (Approved the developer's agreement with Kennedy <br />Properties of Indian River, Inc. and authorized the Chairman to <br />execute same; funding to be from the one -cent Local Option <br />Sales Tax appropriation for stormwater projects.) <br />November 3, 1998 <br />33 <br />6000 ��� PAGE <br />