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r, 600K 108 WE 94 <br />7.D. RESOLUTION 99-004 - SUPPORTING FEDERAL ACQUISITION OF <br />KENNEDYGRoyESPROPERTY ASA BOFFER TO THE PELICAN ISLAND <br />NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE <br />e Board reviewed a Memorandum of January 13, 1999: <br />TO: James E. Chandler <br />County Administrator <br />DEPARTMENT HEAD CONCURRENCE: <br />2,z, <br />Robert M. Keating, r CP <br />Community Developmen for / <br />FROM: Roland M. DeBlois CP <br />Chief, Environmental Planning <br />DATE: January 13, 1999 <br />RE: Request for County Resolution Supporting Federal Acquisition of Kennedy <br />Groves Property as a Baser to the Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge <br />It is requested that the data herein presented be given formal consideration by the Board of County <br />Commissioners at its regular meeting of January 19, 1999. <br />The Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge (PINWR), located on north Jungle Trail, was established by <br />President Theodore Roosevelt in 1903 as the first national wildlife refuge. Over the past several years, <br />regional staff at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and local environmental groups have campaigned <br />for federal finding to acquire a "buffer" along the refuge. The purpose of the buffer is to guard against <br />potential adverse impacts associated with future development of neighboring lands. Indian River County <br />has contributed to the PINWR buffer by acquiring the "Korangy Tract" and by participating in the <br />acquisition of the "Kennedy Buffer" through the County environmental lands program (see attached map). <br />County staff has recently learned that a nonprofit organization, the Conservation Fund, is assisting the FWS <br />to secure additional land from Ken Kennedy and Kennedy Groves to add to the refuge buffer. The subject <br />property consists of two properties, one of which is ±39 acres of citrus groves west of Jungle Trail (two tax <br />parcels), contiguous to the previously acquired Kennedy Buffer. The other property (also owned by Kennedy <br />Groves) is a ±47 acre tract located along Jungle Trail and the Indian River Lagoon just north of the Windsor <br />development (see attached map). <br />In contacting a representative of the Conservation Fund, county staff has learned that the subject Kennedy <br />Groves properties are under contract for purchase, with closing contingent upon the FWS obtaining <br />sufficient monies for the purchase as may be allocated by Congress through the federal Land and Water <br />Conservation Fund (LWCF). <br />County staff has been contacted by representatives of the Pelican Island Preservation Society (PIPS) and the <br />Indian River Land Trust (IRLT) requesting that the County adopt a resolution supporting the allocation of <br />federal LWCF monies by Congress for the PINWR buffer purchase. As such, attached is a proposed <br />resolution for the Board's consideration. <br />The proposed resolution supports federal acquisition of the subject Kennedy Groves properties, and does not <br />commit county acquisition funding. <br />The subject property is a part of the PINWR Buffer project that is currently ranked 5th on the County Land <br />Acquisition Advisory Committee's (LAAC) acquisition list. The PINWR buffer project has been on the <br />LAAC acquisition list since 1995. Support of the federal acquisition proposal would serve the County's <br />environmental land acquisition objectives, yet require no addition expenditure of county bond fiords. <br />When the County participated in finding of the previously acquired Kennedy Buffer, the County limited <br />its contribution to the estimated value of environmentally sensitive wetlands that were acquired by FWS <br />along with grove land. The County did not participate in the purchase of citrus grove, based on a <br />recommendation from LAAC that citrus groves are not environmentally significant, and therefore do not <br />qualify for county bond funding. <br />JANUARY 19, 1999 <br />