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Conclusion <br />The Indian River County Board of County Commissioners, on January 31, 1989 passed ordinance <br />89-6 calling for a county -wide referendum on the levy of the one cent sales tax to be held on <br />Tuesday, March 14, 1989. Shortly thereafter the Optional Sales Tax was endorsed by every City <br />within Indian River County. The Chamber ofCommerce, Taxpayers Association, Civic Association, <br />Gifford Progressive League, Board ofRealtors, Association ofGeneral Contractors and the Treasure <br />Coast Home Builders Association all endorsed the Optional Sales Tax at that time.The vo <br />ters <br />passed the Optional Sales Tax to go into effect June 1, 19S9. (60.3% voted for the tax and 39.7% <br />voted against the tax.) <br />When promoting the Optional Sales Tax, the Indian River County Board of County Commissioners <br />put additional constraints on the use of the sales tax by promising that proceeds would be used only <br />for essential capital projects that the County would have used tax dollars tocomplete (i.e. ad <br />valorem, ,gas tax). It was also emphasized that in the future a good portion of Optional Sales Tax <br />would go towards the purchase of right-of-way and roads to help offset the deficit in the <br />Comprehensive Plan. An additional commitment was made to have a list of projects approved in <br />five year intervals by the Board of County Commissioners in a public hearing. <br />The planning of the third and final five year list of projects has been initiated (actually only 4 %2 <br />years remain October 1, 1999 to May 31, 2004). The Budget Office requested a list of major <br />projects from each department with the projected estimated cost, the year it will be needed, <br />beginning construction date, length of constriction time and estimated annual operating costs for <br />five years after project completion. <br />On November 10, 1998 staff presented the Board of County Commissioners with a list of projects <br />for preliminaryplanningpurposes. As expected, moreprojects were submitted than there was money <br />available. A total of over $95 million in projects were submitted with only slightly over $50 million <br />in estimated revenues for the final five year period. Staff has reviewed the requests and has <br />recommended projects that were felt to be consistent with the or plan. During the review <br />process, a significant emphasis was placed on the projects' affect onthe County's operating budget. <br />Factors such as other potential revenue sources were taken into consideration when determining to <br />fund the project from Optional Sales Tax. Examples of this are the Roads and Bridges where staff <br />looked at the other revenue sources such as County Gas Tax, Constitutional Gas Tax, Optional Gas <br />Tax and Road Impact Fees. <br />Attached is a list of the projects for the Board of County Commissioners to consider funding from <br />Optional Sales Tax for the third five years. <br />JULY 69 1999 <br />-35- BOOK F'AGE <br />