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Frank Coffey expressed his opinion that these issues should have been settled prior to a <br />public meeting, and Chairman Macht felt that the disagreement shows government in action to the <br />public and the separation of powers insuring effective and honest government. <br />There being no other speakers, the Chairman closed the public hearing. <br />Commissioner Ginn noted that she had not been present at the September 8 budget meeting <br />but was dismayed that the Chairman had dismissed the Children's Services Network asset mapping <br />as not needed and a waste of money. She noted that the Children's Services Plan of the Children's <br />Service Advisory Committee was approved by a 5-0 vote of the Board on March 23`,1999, and that <br />it was not only their No. 1 recommendation, but is required under the Ordinance and in the Guide. <br />She had no quarrel with the additional expenditures of $20,000, $25,000 and $4,000 but felt those <br />should not supplant the $50,000 obligation to fund the asset mapping. She made a Motion to put <br />those funds back into the budget, and the Motion died for lack of a second. <br />Chairman Macht noted that the Children's Services Network Needs Assessment Committee <br />meets at least once a month and is doing a wonderful job. It is possible that next year maybe the time <br />to bring in a consultant to assist in quantifying the information being gathered by the Committee, but <br />that expenditure is not justified for this budget year. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Tippin, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Stanbridge, the Board unanimously <br />adopted Resolution 99-093 approving the millage rate of <br />4.0855 for the General Fund, as recommended by staff <br />SEPTEMBER 21, 1999 <br />