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BOOK ! m'E ,47 <br />4. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA <br />None. <br />5. PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS <br />S,A. PROC.LAM47IONDESIGNATI7vGJANUARY20TmTHROUGHJANUARY23RD, <br />2000 AS FELLSMERE FROG LEG FESTIVAL DAYS ININDMNRIVER <br />COUNTY <br />The Chairman presented the following Proclamation to Festus the Frog: <br />PROCLAMATION <br />FELLSMERE FROG LEG FESTIVAL DAYS <br />WHEREAS, the 9th Annual Fellsmere Frog Leg Festival will be held on January 20 through <br />January 23, 2000; and <br />WHEREAS, this Festival showcases local culinary skills resulting in frog legs that are <br />unsurpassed; and <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the fame of this Festival has reached beyond the borders of the County and State; <br />WHEREAS, this Festival has over the years attracted thousands of visitors and tourists to the <br />area; and <br />WHEREAS, the proceeds are used to further recreation and park activities in Fellsmere, and <br />WHEREAS, the City of Fellsmere has been designated as the Frog Leg Capital of the World; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, it is appropriate to recognize this festival as a premier event in Indian River <br />County: <br />JANUARY 18, 2000 <br />