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BOOK <br />3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE <br />Commissioner Stanbridge led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. <br />4. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA <br />Chairman Adams requested the addition of Item TH., Council of Public Officials - <br />Mosquito Control District Representative - Resignation of Keith D. Hedin - Appointment of <br />Janice Broda. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Ginn, SECONDED <br />by Commissioner Stanbridge, the Board <br />unanimously added the above item to the Agenda. <br />5. PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS <br />PRESENTA TION B Y UNITED WAYOFINDIANRIVER COUNTY <br />Bill and Karen Penney, United Way Chairs, thanked the Board for the County's <br />cooperation in this year's campaign and presented a plaque and a framed poster to the Board. <br />Chairman Adams thanked the United Way on behalf of the Board. <br />Commissioner Macht noted that it was the employees who did it. Jim Davis' <br />employees (Public Works Department) gave the largest percentage. He also commented that <br />it was the people who are closest to the plurality who are the most generous with their <br />dollars. <br />February 22, 2000 <br />-2- <br />