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The Chairman presented the following Proclamation to Richard Harris of Harris <br />Sanitation: <br />PROCLAMATION <br />DESIGNATING THE MONTH OF APRIL 2000 <br />AS KEEP AMERICA BEAUTIFUL MONTH <br />THROUGHOUT INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br />WHEREAS, Indian River County is rich in beauty and natural resources; and <br />WHEREAS, every citizen should contribute to the preservation of this beauty and <br />the protection of these natural resources; and <br />WHEREAS, Keep America Beautiful Month annually involves millions of <br />Americans in actions to improve the nation's communities through litter prevention and <br />beautification; and <br />WHEREAS, Keep Indian River Beautiful is a local affiliate of Keep America <br />Beautiful, Inc. and will initiate environmental, community -enhancement, and <br />educational programs in April; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY <br />COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA that April 2000 is <br />designated as <br />KEEP AMERICA BEAUTIFUL MONTH <br />in Indian River County, and the Board urges all individual citizens, businesses, <br />community and youth groups, government agencies and other organizations to recognize <br />this event and work together to preserve the natural beauty of our community, not only <br />in April but throughout the entire year. <br />Adopted this 14th day of March, 2000. <br />March 14, 2000 <br />BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />