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5. B. PROCLAMATION AND RETIREMENT AWARD HONORING <br />TERRENCE P. 09BRIEN (COUNTY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE) <br />Chairman Adams read aloud the following proclamation and retirement award. In <br />accepting both, Acting County Attorney O'Brien advised that it had been a pleasure to serve, <br />spoke of the cooperation he had received from other staffers which had made his job much <br />easier, and expressed his thanks to all. <br />Commissioner Tippin quipped that after all these years of being in government, I <br />finally met a semi -humble attorney and it has been a wonderful experience. <br />June 20, 2000 <br />PROCLAMATION <br />HONORING TERRENCE P. O'BRIEN <br />ON HIS RETIREMENT FROM <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br />EFFECTIVE JUNE 20,2M <br />WHEREAS, TERRY O'BRIEN began county employment on April 23, 1490, as Asustant <br />County Attorney I; and <br />WHEREAS, TERRY'S position was upgraded to Assistant County Attorney li In Wernher, <br />1990, which was the position held until he was appointed Acting County Attorney; and <br />WHEREAS. TERRY has always received excellent evaluations, with the majority of his <br />evaluations indicating what a pleasure he is to work with; and <br />WHEREAS, upon joining the County st4 TERRY rewrote Volume One of the Indian River <br />County Code and served as Legal Counsel to the Code Enforcement Board for to years; and <br />WHEREAS, TERRY handled duction litigation over the Indian RiverCounty Comdumse <br />to a succesdal conclusion. He was an essential member of the team implementing the enviro mental <br />lands bond issue through the purebase of envimnmentally sensitive hinds. He handled eminent domain <br />oases, which allowed the County to go forward with needed road improvements; and <br />WHEREAS, TERRY O'BRIEN capably and elTciendy served as Acting County Attorney <br />from February 1, 2000, until his rathemeat <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLADM BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY <br />COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA that the Board mrpresses its deep <br />appreciation for the services TERRENCE P. O'BRIEN has penFormed on behalf of Indian Riva <br />County. <br />BE IT FURTHER PROCLAIMED that our heartfelt wishes for a long and happy mtirernant <br />ga with him. We will miss him and we wish him well in all his fixture endeavom <br />Adopted this 20th day of June, 2000. <br />E <br />BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />Fina B. Adams, Chairman <br />BOOK hJ CAGE <br />