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• <br />to provide land use controls for ensuring the separation of potentially incompatible activities, <br />such as intense commercial uses, from established residential areas. <br />The MED and OCR districts are similar in several ways. Both districts are designed to <br />accommodate office use and limit retail uses. In terms of permitted uses, the major difference <br />between the districts is that OCR allows a wider variety of office uses, while the MED district <br />permits more retail uses: <br />In this section, an analysis of the reasonableness of the application will be presented. Specifically, <br />this section will include the following: <br />• an analysis of the request's impact on public facilities and services; <br />• an analysis of the request's compatibility with the surrounding area; <br />• an analysis of the request's consistency with the comprehensive plan; and <br />• an analysis of the request's potential impact on environmental quality. <br />This site is located within the county Urban Service Area, an area deemed suited for urban scale <br />development. The comprehensive plan establishes standards for: Transportation, Potable Water, <br />Wastewater, Solid Waste, Drainage and Recreation (Future Land Use Policy 3.1). The adequate <br />provision of these services is necessary to ensure the continued quality of life enjoyed by the <br />community. The comprehensive plan also requires that new development be reviewed to ensure that <br />the minimum acceptable standards for these services and facilities are maintained. <br />Policy 3.2 of the Future Land Use Element states that no development shall be approved unless it <br />is consistent with the concurrency management system component of the Capital Improvements <br />Element. For rezoning requests, conditional concurrency review is required. <br />Conditional concurrency review examines the available capacity of each facility with respect to a <br />proposed project. Since rezoning requests are not projects, county regulations call for the <br />concurrency review to be based upon the most intense use of the subject property based upon the <br />requested zoning district. For commercial rezoning requests, the most intense use (according to <br />Future Land Use Element Policy 1.16 and the county's Land Development Regulations) is retail <br />commercial with 10,000 square feet of gross floor area per acre of land proposed for rezoning. The <br />site information used for the concurrency analysis is as follows: <br />1. Size of Area to be Rezoned: ±5 acres <br />2. Existing Zoning District: MED, Medical District <br />3. Proposed Zoning District: OCR, Office/Commercial/Residential District <br />4. Most Intense Use under Existing Zoning District: <br />±50,000 sq. ft. of Retail Commercial (Shopping Center in the 6`h Edition ITE Manual) <br />5. Most Intense Use under Proposed Zoning District: <br />±50,000 sq. ft. of Retail Commercial (Shopping Center in the 6`" Edition ITE Manual) <br />June 20, 2000 <br />43 <br />0 <br />BOCK.. PAGE. <br />