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George deGuardiola, President of deGuardiola Corporation, gave a brief synopsis <br />of his background and emphasized that his specialty is creating new "main street" projects. <br />He has several of these projects; one in Jupiter and one in West Palm Beach. Many civic <br />organizations use these facilities which are comprised of tourist, recreation and residential <br />areas. He used a PowerPoint presentation, a copy of which is on file with the backup for <br />today's meeting. These projects incorporate a 24-hour main street area containing <br />entertainment, retail shops, restaurants and game rooms. These are not static projects, but <br />evolutionary and dynamic areas. <br />Mr. Callan stated that the Dodgers are proud of their relationship with Indian River <br />County and the City of Vero Beach. He has spent a lot of time with George deGuardiola and <br />his group and has been impressed with his work in other places. The goal is to add more <br />activities than baseball; however, if the MOU is approved the Dodgers will definitely stay <br />in Vero Beach and make Vero Beach their hub of operations. They plan to move their <br />instructional league here as well as other teams. <br />Administrator Chandler noted that the whole transaction is contingent on the receipt <br />of state funds. The application for these funds is due October 1'. If state funding is not <br />received, then all agreements would be void but we must have all agreements ready by that <br />time. If the MOU is approved, there are a number of contracts which must be negotiated and <br />completed by October 1'. He believed the transaction to be in the best interest of the County <br />and the City. <br />Bob Graziano, President of the Los Angeles Dodgers, stated that success of the <br />transactions depends on creating partnerships. He believed this to be a win-win situation <br />with benefits to the Dodgers, the County and the City. <br />BK 114 PG 3 { 0 <br />• JULY 249 2000 .q 9 <br />- <br />