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Since the subject right-of-way is only 280' in length, does not provide access to any property that is <br />not already accessed by another road, and terminates at the river, the subject right-of-way will not <br />be used for roadway construction in the foreseeable future. Despite that, Public Works staff has <br />indicated that, if abandoned, a drainage easement should be retained over the abandoned right-of- <br />way. Please see the attached memo from Public Works (attachment #4), which indicates that, if the <br />applicants object to a drainage easement condition, then the applicants must provide a topographic <br />survey and prove that the area topography would render such an easement useless. No such <br />topographic information has been submitted, although the applicants have expressed objections to <br />a drainage easement condition. <br />Although Public Works does not object to abandonment of the subject right-of-way, county planning <br />staff opposes the abandonment request based on a potential for future use of the right-of-way as a <br />public river access. Such access may be the reason that 5 such right-of-way segments were platted <br />between 83'd Avenue and the Sebastian River via the Townsite of Roseland subdivision. In response <br />to planning staff's objection, the applicant has asserted that ample public river access exists a short <br />distance northeast of the subject right-of-way segment at a public park, and that the existing <br />shoreline topography does not lend itself to access. Regardless. staff believes that there may be some <br />future public benefit for retaining the right-of-way. <br />A number of letters have been received from area residents objecting to the proposed right-of-way <br />abandonment. Please see attachment #5. Also, staff has received conflicting reports regarding <br />historical use of the subject right-of-way by area residents for access to the river. In addition, some <br />area residents have stated that their deeds include river rights, but no verification of such deed <br />language has been provided to staff as of this time. In general, area residents seem concerned that <br />granting the abandonment request would preclude use of the right-of-way by area residents. Staff s <br />conclusion is that there may be some historical use of the subject right-of-way segment for river <br />access and that granting the request would certainly extinguish any future potential river access for <br />the public over the subject right-of-way. <br />Per guidelines established by the Board of County Commissioners, this petition was reviewed by all <br />county divisions and utility providers having jurisdiction or potential interests within the right-of- <br />way. With the exception of the county Planning Division, all other divisions and utility providers <br />have recommended approval of the requested abandonment, with the condition that a drainage <br />easement be retained over the abandoned right-of-way. The subject right-of-way is not part of the <br />roadway system as noted on the County thoroughfare Plan, and is not needed for the major <br />thoroughfare system. Furthermore. the abandonment would not affect the rights of convenient access <br />to the subject property or to surrounding properties. <br />Attached to this staff report is a resolution that if adopted, would abandon the subject right-of-way. <br />The County Attorney's Office has reviewed and approved the attached abandonment resolution for <br />legal form and sufficiency. <br />August 1, 2000 <br />Alternatives <br />The Board of County Commissioners have four alternatives in relation to this <br />request. These are: <br />1. Deny the request and maintain the status -quo. This would preserve any rights <br />that the county has to use the right-of-way, unless the applicant is successful <br />43 <br />BK 114 PG 383 <br />