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assumed a 1.25% coverage, so the real debt service is $916,000. <br />Mr. Kleinstiver suggested that it be assumed the figure is $1.2 million per year, and <br />if divided by 7%, it comes to about $17 million per year. He offered a wager that the <br />Dodgers presence generates $17 million in revenue to the county. He further commented <br />that the this is merely a recycling of dollars generated by the Dodgers. <br />Milt Thomas, 686 Glenview Terrace, commended the City and County staff for the <br />work on this and the Commission for the effort. He thought this to be the best deal between <br />a baseball team and a community anywhere. It is a controversial issue and when the <br />Commissioners ran for the office, they did not do so because it was going to be an easy job. <br />There are a lot of difficult decisions, but they were elected to look above the individual <br />points and look at the horizon and have vision for the future of the community. He suggested <br />this is all about people who have to earn a living in the county, because it is bringing money, <br />jobs and visitors into the county. Building economic infrastructure is important for the <br />future. He made the point that things never stay the same, but people still move here for our <br />quality of life and the Dodgers are a very big part of that. <br />Mr. Zorc disputed the "bail out" in Detroit because it was loaned money, not cash. <br />It may be true this is a business deal, but there are good and bad business deals, and his <br />opinion was this is a bad business deal for the taxpayers. He believed the $270,000 escape <br />hatch favors the Dodgers, not the City or County. He was tired of hearing that this is free <br />money, every dollar of tax money is our tax money, we are paying for it. He asked Vice <br />Chairman Ginn to look into the October 1' deadline because he could not imagine that an <br />issue this controversial could not be extended until after a November referendum date. <br />Mr. Vilardi commented that the area set aside for parking on the master site plan was <br />insufficient for the stadium. <br />Mr. Kurtz commented that every business transaction is usually voluntary and takes <br />September 7, 2000 <br />22 <br />