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F, <br />determined as part of the site plan approval process that both the Dodgers and de Guardiola <br />will be going through with the City of Vero Beach. <br />Administrator Chandler advised that the proposed resolution under item "C" is the <br />standard resolution used by the County for bond issues. Item "D" is for information only as <br />it is an agreement between the Dodgers and de Guardiola. <br />Chairman Adams called for questions from the Commissioners. She questioned the <br />second sentence of Section 210.03(b) (page 182 of backup) of the proposed ordinance <br />because it referenced the "beach issue". <br />Deputy County Attorney William Collins explained that the modifications were <br />merely to clarify the existing ordinance so there is no confusion that the revenues derived <br />from the 4'h cent are not to be allocated to the beaches. <br />In response to Chairman Adams' next question, Special Counsel Reid advised that the <br />number of days in the various agreements refers to numerical days unless specified as <br />business days. <br />Vice Chairman Ginn was concerned about the survey, and Special Counsel Reid <br />advised that the survey is in process and is required as part of the title work to be done. He <br />anticipated its completion within the next 30 days. Mr. Reid stated that the closing date of <br />March 31, 2001, is a "target" date. <br />Administrator Chandler added that the legal descriptions in the documents are based <br />on the old survey; and should there be any changes on the updated survey, they will be <br />resolved later in conjunction with the title work. <br />In response to Vice Chairman Ginn's inquiry about the difference between "right of <br />first refusal" and "first right of refusal", Mr. Reid explained the terms and what they meant <br />on the pages she mentioned. (Pages 199 and 214 of the backup) <br />Commissioner Macht referred to a letter from Malcolm Liggett, and Administrator <br />September 7, 2000 <br />0 <br />4 <br />0 <br />I <br />