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S.A. Z MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING UNIT (M. S.T. U.) <br />Administrator Chandler announced the proposed budget for the Municipal Services <br />Taxing Unit in the amount of $17,603,466 and advised that there is a general increase <br />contained in this budget associated with fund transfers for law enforcement and <br />transportation. The millage rate is 1.4394 which is 0.01% below the rollback rate of 1.4396. <br />The Chairman opened the public hearing on the M. S.T.U. budget and asked if anyone <br />wished to be heard in this matter. There being none, she closed the public hearing. <br />Vice Chairman Ginn offered a motion, but County Attorney Bangel reminded the <br />Board it was necessary to read the resolution. <br />Assistant Administrator Baird recalled that in the past the County Attorney has <br />allowed reading the heading (aka title) of the resolutions. <br />County Attorney Bangel did not disagree but read a portion of the Statutes as follows: <br />"For each taxing authority levying millage, the name of the taxing authority, the roll back <br />rate, the percentage increase and the millage rate to be levied shall be publicly announced <br />prior to the adoption of the millage resolution or ordinance." <br />Administrator Chandler specified he was doing just that as each fund is considered. <br />He added that as per TRIM (Truth in Millage) it is required to specify reasons for any <br />increase and mention the rate and percentage. <br />ON MOTION by Vice Chairman Ginn, SECONDED BY <br />Commissioner Stanbridge, the Board unanimously adopted <br />Resolution No. 2000-104 establishing the tax millage rate <br />(1.4394) to be levied upon all real and person taxable property <br />in Indian River County, Florida, for Fiscal Year 2000-2001 for <br />September 12, 2000 <br />8 <br />BK 1 1 5 PG 122 <br />0 0 <br />