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• <br />• <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Stanbridge, SECONDED BY <br />Vice Chairman Ginn, the Board unanimously acknowledged <br />receipt of Sheriff Gary Wheeler's Annual Report. <br />7.D. Proclamation Designating October 27, 2000 as Beachland <br />Elementary School Day <br />The Board reviewed the proclamation below: <br />PROCLAMATION <br />DESIGNATING OCTOBER 27, 2000, AS <br />BEACHLAND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. DAY <br />WHEREAS, the fourth grade classes at Beachland Elementary School have made <br />it a class project to go to the Iadian River County Court House and the Indian River <br />County Administration Building; and <br />WHEREAS, Ms. Noriega, Ms. Beckham, Ms. Ingram and Ms. Richardson's <br />classes have chosen to visit the Commission Office to team mote about how their local <br />government works; and <br />WHEREAS, while at the Commission Office the students met some of the <br />Commissioners and participated in a pretend commission meeting with their classmates <br />in the role of the Indian River County Commission, and <br />WHEREAS, while m the Commrission Chambers they were given a presentation <br />by the Indian River County Emergency Services Department on hurricanes. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED BY THE BOARD OF <br />COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY. FLORIDA that <br />October 27, 2000, be designated as <br />BEA CIMAND ELEMENTARYSCHOOL DAY <br />Adopted this 27* day of October, 2000 <br />BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />BY: CJ7 a'A <br />Fran B. Adams, Chairman <br />November 7, 2000 <br />19 <br />BK 1 15 PG 726 <br />