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R mlok ' C. Me Removed <br />Si'ebort C. <br />Simmons Chas. 'a <br />Smith; Virginia Blagg ' <br />Study; i1. E. <br />Study$ Zrs . Dixie <br />Taylorrq Mrs. J:. J. <br />Warren, C. L. <br />Weatherupq Marjorie <br />Vhipple, Chas. Be <br />Yates, firs. Martha T* <br />The County Democratic Executive Committee having heretofore certified the name of <br />S.N.Snith as the Democratic nominee for the office of Prosecuting Attorney County Court, <br />and his name having been duly ordered pumute&eon the official ballot, the Board of Count; <br />Commissioners was presented with a transcript of the proceedings of said Executive <br />Committee advising this Board that said .S.N.Smith had resigned as such nominee, and the <br />said Executive Committee then certified the name of Chas. A. Mitchell, as the Democratic <br />{' nominee for the office of County Prosecuting Attorney, and on motion made, seconded and <br />carried ik it was ordered that the name of Chas A Mitchell be. printed on the official <br />ballot for the general election to be held Tuesday November 6th 1934, for the office of <br />Prosecuting attorney County Court. <br />Commissioner Knight offered the following resolution and moved its adoption, same <br />being seconded by Commissioner Mudge: <br />We. the County Commi ss ioners of Indian River County, desire as the County Board of <br />this County, to endorse joint resolution number two, which provides for an exemption of <br />homesteads in this State. We desire this because we believe it will be a long step to- <br />ward rehabilitation of real estate as a valuable asset in the State and it would relieve <br />0 <br />the burden.axatiadn oh, those who own, or want to own, homesteads and that by proper <br />v_f t. <br />economies in government and by proper payment of their just taxes on their just valuatiol <br />of property, there would be no necessity for any new -tax being levied on the people. <br />The foregoing resolution being put to a vote was carried unanimously, except <br />Frank C. Vickers, who voted against the resolution. <br />The County Assessor of taxes submitted the tax rolls on real estate and personal <br />property to the Board of County Commissioners, and were examined, and approved, and the <br />following warrant was annexed to the tax roll on real estate and personal property, <br />t o-wi t: - <br />THE STATE OF FLORIDA. <br />To Troy E. Moody, <br />Tax Collector of the County of Indian RiVrer. <br />You are hereby commanded to collect out of the -real estate and personal property, <br />and from each of the persons and corporations named in the annexed roll, the taxes set <br />down in each roll opposite each name, corporation or parcel of land therein described, <br />and in ease taxe so:ripo,sed are not paid at the time prescribed, by law, you are to <br />c6ileet the same by levy and sale of the goods and chattels, lands and tenements so <br />assessed, or of the persons or corporations so taxed; and all sums collected for the St <br />taxes you are to pay to the State Treasurer at such time as may be required by law, and <br />at the same time you are to pay to the legally qualified depository all sums collected <br />for County taxes, district school taxes, and other special taxes; and you are further <br />required to make all collections on or before the first Monday in April; and on or befo <br />the first Monday in July you will make a final report so and settlement with the <br />Comptroller and County Commissioners. <br />Given under my hand and seal this the 17th day of October, in the year, A D 1934. <br />V R Duncan, <br />Assessor of Taxes, Indian River County. <br />r� <br />