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TUPWAy, JUM 18th 193b. <br />311e Board of County Commissioners in and for indian River County, Floridat met at <br />the Court douse in Vero Beach, Florida, at 10:00 O'clock A. X. Iftesday, June 18th 1935, <br />with the following members of the Board present: J.J.PsHamilton, Chairman; X.E.Ehdge; <br />Frank C. Vickers, E. P. Poole, and Edwin A. He lseth. Also present were Chas A Mitchell <br />.Attorney, Y,n. Frick, Sheriff and Miles warrant Clerk. <br />RESOLUTION* <br />Commissioner Mudge introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption, <br />to -wits - <br />WHEREAS, it is proposed that a canal be constructed across the state of Florida, <br />it is also proposed that canals be constructed across a part of the state of <br />Florida, and the assistance of the Federal government has been sought for the coast <br />of said canal or oanals, and, <br />WBEPZNS, there are thousands of acres of citrus and truck lands in the state of <br />Florida dependent upon the proper water level and a proper supply of venter for the <br />growing of citrus fruits and truck crops upon said lands, and millions of dollars are <br />invested in such lends and the products thereof by citizens of Florida; and, <br />WHEMAB, the construction of such a canal or canals would deprive said lands of a <br />sufficient supply of water and would subject the fruit, truck, and other crops growing <br />thereon to great damage and destruction from cold and frost by reason of the removal of <br />the protection afforded by water from such damage and would cause thousands of acres of <br />muck land to be subject to destruction by fire by reason of over -drainage, therefore, <br />BE IT BE.80LVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County,Florida,, <br />that said :Board strictly opposes the construction of arW such canal or canals and the <br />assistance of such construction by use of Federal Funds and that a .copy of this reso- <br />lution be forwarded to the non Duncan U Fletcher, and the Hon. Park Trammell, Senators <br />in Congress from Florida, and the Hon W J Sears and the Ron Hark Wilcox, Representative <br />in Congress from the state of Florida and to the Division Engineer of .the United States <br />War Department, with the request to each of said gentlemen that they oppose the con- <br />struction of said canal or canals. <br />The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution being duly seconded, it <br />was declared adopted by the following vote, to -wit: Ayess Hamilton, Mudge, Vickers, <br />Heleeth and Poole. Nayes: N o n e. <br />The Clerk announced that a state vaa rrant in the sum of *1,,750,00 as additional ra <br />trackfunds had been received. it was ordered that this be placed in the Road & Bridge <br />Fund, on account of the necessity of purchasing a truck for County use at this time. <br />U. E. Knowles, Vero Beach, appeared before the Board requesting aid from the Coun <br />He was advised that the request will be taken under consideration and investigated. <br />The Vero Beech .gess-Journal was designated Is the newspaper published in this <br />County to print and distribute the Acts of the 193b Legislature. <br />`there being no Further business on motion mads:, seconded and carried the Board <br />then adjourned. <br />ATTE'ST: <br />e r k. <br />W - - w - 40 o - - <br />n <br />1 <br />I. <br />1 <br />