<br />1
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<br />In
<br />par Interest thereon, When due, and for general repairs and additional work to be done
<br />and a certified copy or the resolution riled with this Board, as required by law, and as
<br />estimated by the said Board of ConU ssioners of said islet District, it is determined
<br />and hereby - deolared that a tax rate or vivo (5) mills upon the dollar be levied, and
<br />is he°re'by =fixed and assessed for the year 1935, on all of the property in the County or
<br />1ndIan hiwor-, lying and being within the boundaries of 'said Sebastian Inlet District.
<br />Four (4) mills of which shall be used solely for interest payments and create a sinking
<br />fund for the redemption of bonds, notes and other obligations outstanding and une (1)
<br />mill 1, be used for repairs, maintenance and general Work and construction on said
<br />inlet, as provided by Chapter 7976 .acts or 1919.
<br />Estimates having been made by the Board of Conmf.ssi®x►ers of :ye�3lme__re CPoseBt, to
<br />and the said Board having filed a certified copy of the resolution deo-
<br />laring the tax for the necessary expenditure and for the purpose of paying interest,
<br />creating a sinking fund, and for the ultimate redemption of Bond District bonds, it is
<br />determined and hereby declared that a tag rate ofbine (9 ) mills on the dollar be levied,
<br />And is hereby fixed and assessed for the year 1935, on all of the property in the County
<br />of Indian River, lying and being within the boundaries of said vellsmere Cross State
<br />oad District. Eight (8) mills of which shall be used solely for interest and sinking
<br />fund, and One (1) mill shall be used solely for the purposes authorized and proscribed
<br />y Chapter 103730 Section 15, acts. of 1925, Laws of Florida. The boundaries of said Dit.
<br />trict being described as followss Beginning where the water's edge of the wtlautie Ocean
<br />intersects the line between Townships 29 and 30 South, rain thence vest to west line or
<br />revard County or to the North-west corner of Township 30 south, Range 35 est, ren thence
<br />South following Township lines on the west boundary of Brevard County amd St Lucie County
<br />o the :Southwest corner of Township . 31 South,8ange 35 Eaet,run thence Nast six miles more
<br />r less to the North-West corner of Tow,nehip 32 Southoxange 36 Ea t,run thence South si c
<br />ileo, more or less, to the Southwest corner of Towaship 32 9outh,Range 36 East,run thence
<br />act 18 miles more or less to the South-east corner of Township 32 South Range 38 Nast,
<br />In thence North 6 miles, more or less, to the South-west corner of Tewaship 31 South,
<br />Range 39 Bast, run thence Bast to the water's edge of At'iantic Ocean, thence North mean-
<br />dering said aater'e edge to the place of beginning.
<br />Bet Mtes having been made by the Bond. Trustees, �L iC••atl @RCIALR0 ►D BRA
<br />ISTRICTe..and the Trustees having certified, by appropriate resolution, the rate of mill -
<br />e to be assessed as the amount required to meet interest payments and for the ultimate
<br />edemption of bonds and re -funding bonds outstanding, and to create a sinking fund, and
<br />Ln pursuance of the requirements of law, it is determined and hereby declared that a tax
<br />ate of Fifteen (15) mills upon the dollar be levied, and is hereby fixed and assessed
<br />or the year 1935, on all. of the property in the County of Indian ,River, lying and being I�
<br />ithin the boundaries' of said Atlantis -Gulf Special .Road & Bridge District, for the pur- �
<br />ose of paying interest - and creating a sinking fund for the ultimate redemption of bonds
<br />and refunding bonds, which boundaries,are as follows, to -wits Beginning on the Township
<br />ins between Townships 33 and 34 South. and on the shore of the atlantic ve'ean, run vie ab j
<br />On the Township line between Townships 33 and 34 to the 'south-west corner of Towaship
<br />�3 Routh, _Range 36 Bast; thence North between Ranges 35 and 369 to the south-east corner
<br />f Township 39 °South, . Ra.nge 35 East; thence West between Townships 32 and 33 and on the
<br />ouch boundary of Osceola and . st Lucie Counties, to the center line of the Kissimmee i
<br />Iver, same being the south-west corner of Osceola Uounty; thence north-westerly with the
<br />Ir line Of
<br />the Kissimmee
<br />River and the mast
<br />shore of Lake Kissimmee (said river and
<br />being the
<br />west boundary
<br />of Osceola County),
<br />to the Township line between Townanips
<br />