<br />TMZDAY, xx 3rd 1935.
<br />the Board of County Commissioners in and for Indian giver County, rlo`ridal met at
<br />the Court House in Vero Beach, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Tuesday, September 3rd 19359 with
<br />the following members of the Board present: J.J.P.Hamilton, Chairman; x.S.Yudge; Brant
<br />C. Vickers; E. P. Poole and Edwina A. Helseth. Also present were Chas A. Mitchell,
<br />Attorney for the Board, Wm. Prick, Sheriff and miles warren, Clerk.
<br />Petitions were received from the following citizens of the County requesting to be
<br />placed on the pauper list:
<br />W, 4&, Parks, Sebastian
<br />gin Orr, Sebastian
<br />vallace Orr, Sebastian
<br />J. ti. Conniff, Minter Beach.
<br />After considerable discussion and the Board taking into consideration the VAount of
<br />on hand and available in the budget for paupers it .was deemed eXpedient and advisable to
<br />lay the petitions over for further consideration.
<br />A delegation from winter Beach appeared before the Board requesting additional aid
<br />for Mack Dorton, who is now receiving assistance from the Counter. After carefully con-
<br />sidering the same, it was ordered that the am of $25.00 per month be given w. J. Dorton,
<br />father of Jack Norton,, and who is now receiving aid himself from the County, and that the
<br />said amount of $25.00 be used jointly for the benefit of the two.
<br />The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Mudge, who moved its adop
<br />wKWUW9 the Board of Administration has submitted certain proposals of firms and
<br />corporations offering to sell to said.Board of Administration certain bonds of the Cou
<br />of Indian River and obligations assumed by said County, under the provisions of Heuse
<br />Bill No. 30, Acts of the 1933 Legislature, and,
<br />wS, after carefully considering all of such proposals, and taking into consi
<br />tion the mount of funds available ter that purpose, and the approximate value of said
<br />bondc, it is deemed advisable--an-d- ezpedi-ent- to purchase -certain -of said bonds and
<br />tions, to -wit:
<br />one (,I) St Lucie County Public Road & Bridge Dote
<br />dated .August 1, 1923, . due kug 1, 1944 with Feb 1,
<br />1934 and subsequent-, coupons attached at -a price of
<br />59 as designated offering MS",.
<br />THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Administration be requested to
<br />the foregoing Negotiable Dote in accordance with the teams of the offerings.
<br />The foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Commissioner Vickers, and upon being
<br />to a vote the some was unanimously adopted.
<br />The
<br />applidatiOn of Howard
<br />W. Gray for
<br />a license to sell
<br />and
<br />dispense liquor was
<br />received
<br />and after considering
<br />the same it
<br />vas duly approved
<br />by
<br />the Board.
<br />The Notary Public bond of Edwin A. Helseth in the Sam of 8500.00 with Columbia
<br />Casualty Compsany, a corporation, as surety was approved.
<br />Mrs Helen S. Luly appeared before the Board and requested that the County place a
<br />definite price for which it will be willing to sell the Hampton Cowart Apartments Buildinj
<br />recently acquired from the Parsers Bank of Vero Beach in settlement. After carefully
<br />considering the same and taking into consideration the approximate value of said proper-
<br />ties, on motion made, seconded and carried it was agreed to list the property as follower
<br />$100000.00 In County Bonds for each apartment building, or in lieu thereof each building
<br />to be sold for the sura of 079500.00 cash, with the understanding that if cash transactioi
<br />G,
<br />r one half shall be in cash and the balance due in 1--2 and 3 gears after date with inter-
<br />est at QX per annum, payable, semi-annually.
<br />After discussion of the offer of the united States of America to aid by 'ray of loan
<br />and grant in financing the construction of a two story Court'Rouse by Indian River
<br />County, the following resolution entitled "a MSOLUTION ACCEPTING THE OFFER OF THE
<br />t
<br />FA
<br />At .
<br />