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The several bills against the County, having been audited, were found correct <br />and approved, and warrants issued in settlement of same. The <br />the several funds is as follows: <br />amountx so drawn from <br />General Revenue Fund 01553.05 <br />Fine & Forfeiture Fund. 281.35 <br />Road & Bridge Fund 1160.77 <br />Mothers Pension Fund 158.00 <br />Publicity Fund 264.53 <br />There being no further business, on motion made, seconded and carried, it was <br />ordered the Board stand adjourned until Monday <br />.0 <br />The Board then adjourned until <br />l:;4i 4,' <br />oisl7�.ediv; <br />24th 1925. <br />MONDAY <br />24th, 1925 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida, met at 2:00 <br />o'clock P. M. on August 24th,- 1925 at the Court House at Vero Beach, Florida, pursuant <br />to adjournment. The following members of the Board were present: John H Atkin, <br />Chairman, D. Forbes., J W Ia.Bruce and 0. 0. Helseth. Also present was Miles Warren,Clerk. <br />The meeting was called to order by Chairman John H Atkin, who announced that the <br />hour of 2100 P M Having arrived it was now in ordet to open sealed bids for the purchase. <br />of 0490,000.00 Bonds of Special Road. and Bridge+District No. 4 of Indian River County, <br />Florida. <br />Thereupon the following sealed bids, each of which were accompanied by a certified <br />check for 05,000.00 were opened and read, the name of the bidder and the amount bid <br />being given: <br />Spitzer, Rorick & Co 0465,555.00 <br />Marx & Co. and Breed, Elliott& Harrison 467,337.50 <br />Brown, Bosworth & Co. and C W McNear & Co467,801.00 <br />Wright, Warlow & Co. and The Weil, Roth & <br />Irving Co., and Seasongood & Mayer 466,426.10 <br />J C Mayer & Co 0 467, 460.00 <br />WL Slayton & Co 467,068.00 <br />Stra-nahan, Harris & Oatis Inc. and Prudden & Co470,939.00 <br />A T Bell & Co. and Otis & Co .... 465,012.00 <br />Each of the foregoing bids were carefully considered, after which on motion duly <br />made, seconded and carried by unanimous vote the following resolutions were adopted: <br />WHEREAS, in the judgment of the Board all of the foregoing bids are unsatisfactory <br />because of the low price offered, and all of said bids should be rejected, therefore <br />be it <br />RESOLVED, that all of the foregoing bids are rejected, and the checks accompanying <br />each of said bids are ordered to be returned to the respective bidders. <br />RESOLVED, further, that the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to cause said <br />bonds to be re -advertised for sale in The Vero Beach Press upon sealed bids to be opened <br />at two o'clock P. M. October 6, 1925, each bid to be accompanied by certified check for <br />05,000.00 as evidence of good faith. <br />It was ordered that notice be posted of the change in public road, so as to con- <br />form and run with streets and avenues of the Beachland Development Company's subdi- <br />vision as follows; <br />Beginning at a point in the Quay Beach Road., said point, being 1983.4 feet East <br />of the S.E.corner of Government Lot. 1 Section 1, Township 32 South, Range 39 East,; <br />thence Barth 14 degrees and. 56 minutes West, 597 feet to e; point; thence North 18 <br />